Detect and Notify Inactive Users Workflow

 This workflow recipe sends an email report with a list of all the inactive users.

  • The last login date of the user is used to determine if the user is Active or Inactive
  • You can avoid looking at users who have not begun using FileCloud 
  • You provide a set of email ID's to which the generated report will be mailed

To create a workflow that sends an email report with a list of all the inactive users: 

  1. Login to Admin Portal
  2. Navigate to Workflow on the left navigation
  3. Tap on the Add Workflow button
  4. Set the If Condition If a user's last login is older than.., and click Next.

  5. Enter the required parameters in the given format

        "last_login_days_ago": 14,
        "user_account_type": "USER_ACCOUNT_LIMITED_ACCESS",
        "day_interval": 5,
        "skip_users_not_logged_in": 1

  6. Click Next, set Then Action Generate an email report. 

  7. Enter the Required parameters in the given format


  8. Click Next, give an appropriate workflow name, and click Finish.