FileCloud Debug Log File Locations

FileCloud Server is thoroughly tested during development and before every release.

  • However, it is impossible to reproduce every kind of IT environment created by our customers.
  • In your unique environment, you may see FileCloud Server perform unexpectedly. 
  • In a large complex program such as FileCloud Server with many lines of code, it may be difficult to find and resolve an issue.
  • Therefore, to help you troubleshoot issues, CodeLathe provides you with the ability to record extra information in logs. 
  • Your log information can also help us fix any issues you see in a later release.

Starting in FileCloud Server version 19.1, FileCloud Server log files in the scratch folder are now automatically compressed into a zip folder.

  • This new auto-archive process is completed by Cron
  • As soon as a log file is 30 days old, it is compressed and added to the archive
  • This archival process happens automatically and does not require you to configure any special settings. 

Which Log File Do You Want to Review?

Windows:   <DriveLetter>\xampp\htdocs\scratch\logs\log_YYYY-MM-DD.txt

Example: c:\xampp\htdocs\scratch\logs\log_2013-08-27.txt (Select the latest date)

Linux: /var/www/html/scratch/logs/log_YYYY-MM-DD.txt

Windows:   <DriveLetter>\xampp\php\logs\php_error.log

Linux: Only if PHP Error logging is enabled

Windows:   <DriveLetter>\xampp\apache\logs\error.log

Linux: /var/logs/apache2/access.log

To use the Sync application to generate files:

  1. From Start menu, select FileCloudSync.
  2. From the system tray, right-click the FileCloud icon and then select Settings.
  3. On the Home page, select the Help screen option.
  4. Under Troubleshooting, click Save Log File, note the folder location, and click OK

To manually collect log files:

Windows: %APPDATA%\FileCloudSyncData\client\syncclient.log

Linux: ~/FileCloudSyncData/client/syncclient.log


To manually collect a log file:

Windows: %APPDATA%\FileCloud Drive\data\FileCloudDrive.log

To automatically generate a log file:

  1. From the system tray, right-click the FileCloud icon
  2. Select Advanced, and then Open Log Folder.

To manually collect a log file:

Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Filecloud/macdrive/data/filecloudmacdrive.log

Mac Drive 2: ~/Library/Application Support/FileCloud MacDrive2/data/filecloudmacdrive.log

(lightbulb)  For more information, you can also View a Crash Report

Windows: %APPDATA%\FileCloudHelper\cloudntfs.log  (or)  <DriveLetter>\xampp\FileCloudHelper\cloudntfs.log

Windows:  <DriveLetter>\xampp\mongodb\bin\log

Linux: (Ubuntu): /var/log/mongodb/mongd.log

To use the Sync application to generate files:

  1. From the system tray, right-click the FileCloud icon and then select Settings.
  2. On the Home page, select the Help screen option.
  3. Under Troubleshooting, click Save Log File, note the folder location, and click OK

To manually collect a log file:

Windows: %APPDATA%\FileCloudServerSyncData\client\syncclient.log

Windows: %APPDATA%\dociq\data

Windows: %APPDATA%\.local\share\FFOServer
macOS: /Users/[USERNAME]/Library/Preferences/FFOServer

ServerLink Admin portal activity is logged in the FileCloud Server log.
Synchronization activity is logged separately, in serverlink folders.

Log locations

The log file paths are:

For example: c:\xampp\htdocs\scratch\logs\serverlink\log_2020-08-27.txt  

For example: /var/www/html/scratch/logs/serverlink/log_2020-08-27.txt  

When a log file reaches a maximum size of  (1024 * 50 KB by default), a new log file is created with part# as a suffix. For example:

Changing Maximum Log size

You may change the default maximum log size with the TONIDOCLOUD_SERVERLINK_LIMIT_LOG_FILE_SIZE_KB setting. 

To change the maximum log size:

  1. Open cloudconfig.php.
    • Windows Location : C:\xampp\htdocs\config\cloudconfig.php
    • Linux Location : /var/www/html/config/cloudconfig.php
  2. Add the following.


  3. Change the default size of 1024 * 50.


For multitenancy, each site has a serverlink folder containing sync logs.