You can format the text you enter into the wiki editor using Markdown, a simple formatting language that lets you enhance plain text with styling such as italics, bold print, bullets and indents. 

You may have noticed the use of Markdown in some of the other help topics on adding content to the wiki. For example, the initial text we showed in the wiki editor included a list of services preceded by asterisks. In the preview panel the asterisks appeared as bullets, which is how they appear in the actual wiki. You can also use the shortcuts in the text editor's menu bar to insert Markdown.

The following table shows Markdown symbols and the effect they have when the text is formatted in the wiki:

Markdown featureIn text editorIn wiki
Asterisk followed by a space in front of a line is formatted as a bullet

A number followed by a period and then a space in front of a line is formatted as a number in a list. It doesn't matter what numbers you use; Markdown displays the list with increments of 1.

When asterisks precede and follow text without spaces, the text is formatted as italics. 

When double-asterisks precede and follow text without spaces, the text is formatted as bold. 

to add:

horizontal bar, indents, links, headings, images?