Changing default config and log directory for FileCloud


Out of the box, FileCloud has the configuration and log directories under the WEBROOT. This document discusses how to move these directories to different location.

Changing Config Directory

By default configuration files for FileCloud installation will be under WEBROOT/config. To change this directory, move the WEBROOT/config directory to the new location and then update the WEBROOT/localconfig.php file to notify this change to FileCloud.

Change from: define("TONIDOCLOUD_CONFIG_PATH", TONIDO_CLOUD_ROOT_DIR.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."config"); // < VALID config directory path, needs to be read/write by www-data


For Linux: define("TONIDOCLOUD_CONFIG_PATH", "/home/tonidocloud/config"); // < VALID config directory path, needs to be read/write by www-data
For Windows: define("TONIDOCLOUD_CONFIG_PATH", "c:\\tonidocloud\\config"); // < VALID config directory path, needs to be read/write by webserver

Note: As the comment says, the new path should have read/write permissions for the user account that is used to run apache. For instance, www-data in Linux.

Changing Log Directory

By default FileCloud log files will be placed under WEBROOT/scratch. To change this directory, update the WEBROOT/localconfig.php file to notify the new log path to FileCloud.

Change from: define("TONIDOCLOUD_SCRATCH_PATH", TONIDO_CLOUD_ROOT_DIR.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."scratch"); // < VALID scratch directory path, needs to be writable by www-data

For Linux: define("TONIDOCLOUD_SCRATCH_PATH", "/home/somenewpath/scratch"); // < VALID directory path, with read-write permission for www-data user

For windows: define("TONIDOCLOUD_SCRATCH_PATH", "c:\\somenewpath\\scratch"); // < VALID config directory path, with read-write permission for the webserver.

Note: As the comment says, the new path should have write permissions for the user account that is used to run apache. For instance, www-data in Linux.