
 January 30, 2021

Patch 20.3.1 fixes these issues.
ServerActivitiesCL-8069 A potential security issue in which users with access to a folder but not its sub-folders could see names of its sub-folders and their contents in their activity streams has been fixed. This affects all versions of FileCloud. See Advisory 2021-02 Potential Sensitive Data Exposure in FileCloud Versions 15 through 20.3.1 for more information.
ServerAdminCL-8000 An issue preventing an Admin from logging in if there were single or double quotes in the password has been fixed.
ServerEncryptionCL-7890 A problem causing downloads of large files to fail has been fixed.
ServerLoginCL-8063 A problem with passwords that prevented Admin users from logging in has been fixed.
ServerMetadataCL-7375 The metadata report was returning incorrect results. This has been fixed.
ServerSharesCL-8035 An issue preventing limited users from accessing Team Folder shares if the user name of the share included the name of the Team Folder account has been fixed.
ServerSharesCL-8012 A problem preventing share passwords with the character "<" in them to be saved has been fixed.
ServerSharesCL-7905 Limited users were prevented from uploading shares from Network Shares. This has been fixed.

An issue blocking access to public shares from Team Folders has been fixed.

ServerSOLRCL-8044 A problem causing Solr indexing of an Office file to fail when the Author metadata field was set has been fixed.


SSOCL-8022 SOS now supports multiple memcache servers.
ServerSSOCL-8023 An authorization problem preventing SSO login has been fixed.