Minor FileCloud Releases and

September 7, 2023

These notes cover releases of FileCloud Online version and FileCloud Client version

Releases and address these issues.
AreaReference numberDescription

Automated workflowsCL-13199The condition "If share is directory" has been added to automated workflows, to enable determining if the share is a file or folder.
AzureCL-13628If a FileCloud site was integrated with Azure SSO, when a user tried to log in to FileCloud from Azure, a blank screen appeared. This has been fixed.
Browser, previewCL-13602Preview of .mp4 and .mov files was not working in iPhone on Chrome and Safari. This has been fixed.
CustomizationCL-13541The setting for disabling the mobile smart banner in iOS was not working. This has been fixed.
ICAPCL-13560FileCloud was not returning ICAP X-Virus-ID results. This has been fixed.
LoginCL-13326The failed login message now indicates the number of login attempts and how many more attempts are allowed before account lockout.
ReportsCL-13510The Users File List Report either listed partial results or fails. This has been fixed.
Security, uploadCL-13583Legacy upload forms that allowed potential unauthorized access have been removed.
ShareCL-13134Files uploaded from public folder shares displayed modification dates that were two hours in the future. This has been fixed.
ShareCL-13760Share recipients with 2FA sign-in were given the option of resetting the phone number set in the share when they accessed it. This has been fixed.
Team foldersCL-13617FileCloud 23.1 restricted the ability to publicly share top-level Team Folders. A setting has been added that enables public sharing of top-level Team Folders. By default the setting is disabled.
User interfaceCL-13218Image file previews that appeared correctly in My Files appeared distorted in Network Shares. This has been fixed.

MessageCL-13673If Sync was not connected to the FileCloud server when a user logged in with SSO, it showed the incorrect message "Your login session has expired. Please go to the dashboard to relogin." This has been fixed.
Sync folderCL-13592When the Sync folder location was changed, Sync created a recursive folder structure. This has been fixed.
FileCloud for Office

Network FoldersCL-13750When a Network Folder was renamed, FileCloud for Office was unable to access it. This has been fixed.