FileCloud Backup Server Features


FileCloud backup server is still a beta feature. Please test the capabilities and features before using in a production environment.


FileCloud backup server feature is available with FileCloud server version starting from v11.0. 


FileCloud backup server is same as any FileCloud server except it will only backup other FileCloud installations. Following are some of the features of FileCloud backup server.

  • Backup server can be installed on Windows or Linux. It is supported in the distros on which FileCloud server is supported.
  • Backup server supports backing up of multiple sites.
  • Backup server supports backing up of multiple FileCloud servers. 
  • Backups can be started immediately or scheduled for later.
  • Backups can be started from command line.
  • Backup schedules can be repeated daily, weekly or monthly.
  • Backup server uses security key to connect to FileCloud servers for backup.
  • By default, the backup server URL is not enabled. To enable the backup server URL see Enabling the Backup Server URL.


Current version of FileCloud backup server has some limitations:

  • Backup server cannot backup files if the backend storage is S3.
  • Backup server cannot backup or restore files if the storage is encrypted.
  • When the backup server uses the HTTP protocol for downloads, it will not scale for larger installations. We recommend using the Rsync method for larger installations.
  • Backup server might affect performance if backup is performed during peak production time.