For MS Teams Admins: Configuring FileCloud in Teams

Before users can access FileCloud through MS Teams, the Teams administrator must perform the following configuration in Teams. After that, the FileCloud Admin must Enable FileCloud/Teams integration in the FileCloud Admin portal.

FileCloud integration with MS Teams is available beginning in FileCloud Version 21.2

  1. Confirm that you have FileCloud Version 21.2 or higher installed.
  2. Create an MS Teams bot in the Teams' Developer Portal:
    1. Open MS Teams.
    2. If you do not have the Developer Portal app installed already, click the More icon in the navigation pane, search for Developer Portal, and add it.
    3. Click the Developer Portal icon in the navigation pane, and go to Tools > Bot Management.
    4. Click New Bot.
    5. Name the bot ,and click Add.

      The bot appears opened on the Tools screen.
    6. Change the Endpoint address to point to the bot in your FileCloud server, and click Save.
      Use https://[your FileCloud server]/core/msteamsbot

      You are returned to the Tools screen. 
    7. Click Bots.

      You go back to the Bots Management screen.
    8. Copy the Bot ID. You will need it to set up MS Teams integration in the FileCloud admin portal.
  3. Create the MS Teams application in Teams' Developer Portal.
    1. In the Developer Portal, click the Apps tab, and then click New App.

      An Add App window opens.
    2. Enter a name for your FileCloud app and click Add.

      The Basic Information screen for the app opens.
    3. Fill in the form, and click Save.
      Depending on your MS Teams environment policies, you may not be required to enter a value for Application (client) ID.
    4. In the navigation pane, click Branding.
      The Branding screen opens.
    5. Download the following two images (right-click and choose Save image as).
    6. Upload the first image for Color icon, and the second image for Outline icon.
      You may use custom images, but they must be 192px X 192px for the color image and 32px X 32px for the transparent outline.

  4. Set up your MS Teams bot.
    1. In the navigation pane, click App Features, and click Messaging Extension.

      The Messaging Extension screen opens.
    2. Choose Select an existing bot, and select the FileCloud bot that you just created, and click Save.

    3. Uncheck Users can reconfigure app, and click Add a command.

      An Add a command dialog box opens.
    4. Fill in the fields as shown in the following screenshots:

    5. Click Save.
      You are returned to the Messaging Extension screen. 
    6. Click Save again, or the command will not be saved.

    7. Now, in the Messaging Extension screen, click Add a domain.
    8. In the Add Domain dialog box, add your domain without the https:// prefix, and click Add.
    9. In the Messaging Extension screen, click Save.
    10. In the navigation pane, click App Features again, and click Personal app.
    11. Click Add a personal app.

      The Add a tab to your personal app dialog box opens.
    12. Fill in the fields as follows. Your Entity ID will be entered for you.
    13. Click Confirm.
      In the Personal app screen, click Save.

  5. Add your domain to a global domains list.
    1. In the navigation pane, click Domains, and then click Create your first domain.
      (If you already have domains listed, click Add a domain.)

    2. In the Add domain dialog box, enter your domain (the same one you entered above, in step 4h).

    3. Click Add.
      The domain is added to the list:

  6. Export the application manifest zip file from Teams' Developer Portal.
    1. Click Publish.

      The Publish your app dialog box opens.
    2. Click Download the app package.

    3. Save the downloaded app package zip file.

  7. Upload the application and submit it for approval in MS Teams.
    1. In the MS Teams navigation pane, click Apps.
    2. In the left panel click Manage your apps.
    3. In the Manage your apps screen, click Upload an app.

      The Upload an app dialog box opens.
    4. Click Submit an app to your org.

      Your file explorer opens.
    5. Select your app package zip file.
      You should now see:
    6. As the Teams administrator,  approve and publish the app.
      For more information, see
      The app's Status changes to Approved, and the app becomes available in your company's app store.
  8. Next enable MS Teams integration in FileCloud