Curl/Bash Sample: File Upload and Download
This example shows how to use the FileCloud API with Curl/Bash to create a folder and upload a file.
#!/bin/bash # Note: this is an example script, it does not have any error handling. URL='' USER=user1 PASSWORD=password4user cookieFile=${USER}_cookie.txt timestamp=`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S` # user login #----------- echo ">>> loggin in as user $USER" endpoint='/core/loginguest' urlParams='time='`date +%s` # optional parameter, simplifies troubleshooting in the server log postData="" postData+='userid='$USER postData+='&password='$PASSWORD curl "${URL}${endpoint}?$urlParams" --cookie-jar $cookieFile --data-raw "$postData" --compressed echo echo "<<<" # create folder #-------------- # set a name for the new folder FOLDER="newExampleFolder_$timestamp" echo ">>> creating folder $FOLDER for $USER:" endpoint='/core/createfolder' urlParams='time='`date +%s` # optional parameter, simplifies troubleshooting in the server log postData="" postData+="name=$FOLDER" postData+="&path=/$USER" curl "${URL}${endpoint}?$urlParams" --cookie $cookieFile --data-raw "$postData" --compressed echo echo "<<<" # upload file to the new folder #------------------------------ UPLOADFILE="newExampleFile_$timestamp.txt" UPLOADPATH="/${USER}/${FOLDER}" # create a sample file for upload date > $UPLOADFILE echo ">>> upload file $UPLOADFILE to folder $FOLDER for $USER" endpoint='/upload' urlParams='time='`date +%s` # optional parameter, simplifies troubleshooting in the server log urlParams+='&appname=explorer' urlParams+="&path=$UPLOADPATH" urlParams+='&offset=0' urlParams+='&complete=1' urlParams+="&filename=$UPLOADFILE" curl -k -X POST -F 'image=@'$UPLOADFILE "${URL}${endpoint}?$urlParams" --cookie $cookieFile # download the file #------------------------------ filepath="/${USER}/${FOLDER}/$UPLOADFILE" filename=$UPLOADFILE echo ">>> downloading file $filepath" endpoint='/core/downloadfile' urlParams='time='`date +%s` # optional parameter, simplifies troubleshooting in the server log postData="" postData+="filepath=$filepath" postData+="&filename=$filename" curl "${URL}${endpoint}?$urlParams" --cookie $cookieFile --data-raw "$postData" --output ${filename}.downloaded echo echo "<<<"