Python Sample for FileCloud API

Before you try this code, make sure you have installed the requests module.

The sample for FileCloud API "loginguest" and "upload" uses the python requests module.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import requests

## Path to file to be uploaded
PathToFile="D:\\Developement\\python\\filecloud upload\\file_upload.txt"   #To be defined

## Filecloud headers.
Headers = {'Accept': 'application/json'}

## Filecloud creds
Creds = {'userid': 'username', 'password': 'password'}   #To be defined

##Filecloud server API endpoints
ServerURL='https://filecloud_server_url/'   #To be defined
LoginEndPoint = 'core/loginguest'
UploadEndPoint = 'core/upload'

## Specify user path inside Filecloud.
FilecloudPath="/username"   #To be defined

## Upload API params.
UploadApiParams = {'appname': 'explorer', 'path': FilecloudPath, 'offset': 0}

if __name__ == '__main__':
    s = requests.session()
    FileToUpload={'file': (open(PathToFile,'rb'))}, data=Creds, headers=Headers).json()
    if LoginCall['command'][0]['result'] == 1:
        print('Login successfull, processing with File upload ...'), params=UploadApiParams, files = FileToUpload, cookies = s.cookies)
        if UploadCall.text == 'OK':
            print('Upload successfull.')
            print('Upload failed.')

        print('login failed.')