FileCloud Automation App
Use the command line based FileCloud Automation app to integrate FileCloud with your existing business processes. The Automation app enables you to perform operations such as extracting files out of FileCloud and uploading files into FileCloud.
Installation of the the app is straight forward, just download the zip file and unzip it to any folder and run the cloudapi executable.
Supported arguments
The following arguments are currently processed by the app.
Argument | Explanation |
-? | Show Help |
--user | username to use to do the action |
--password | password for the associated user |
--host | full URL to the server, e.g. |
--operation | type of operation to perform (more details below) |
--remotepath | usually remote path in the server |
--remotename | usually remote name in the server |
--localpath | usually local path in the local machine |
--sslverify | whether to enable/disable ssl verification |
Supported operations and examples
Operation | Detailed Description |
UPLOAD | Uploads a specific local file to the remote server cloudapi --user USERNAME --password PASSWORD --host SERVERURL --operation UPLOAD --remotepath PARENTPATH --localpath FILEPATH --sslverify VERIFY_STRICT Example: |
DOWNLOAD | Downloads a specific file from the remote server to the local location cloudapi --user USERNAME --password PASSWORD --host SERVERURL --operation DOWNLOAD --remotepath FULLPATH --remotename NAME --localpath FILEPATH --sslverify VERIFY_STRICT Example: |
CREATEFOLDER | Create a remote folder on the server cloudapi --user USERNAME --password PASSWORD --host SERVERURL --operation CREATEFOLDER --remotepath PARENTPATH --remotename NAME --sslverify VERIFY_STRICT Example: |
DELETE | Delete a file or folder on the server cloudapi --user USERNAME --password PASSWORD --host SERVERURL --operation DELETE --remotepath PARENTPATH --remotename NAME --sslverify VERIFY_STRICT Example: cloudapi --user john --password mypassword --host --operation DELETE --remotepath /john/myfolder --remotename doc1.docx -sslverify VERIFY_STRICT |
UPLOADFOLDER | Uploads a folder recursively from the local machine to the remote server on the specified path cloudapi --user USERNAME --password PASSWORD --host SERVERURL --operation UPLOADFOLDER --remotepath PARENTPATH --localpath LOCALFOLDERPATH --sslverify VERIFY_STRICT Example: cloudapi --user john --password mypassword --host --operation UPLOADFOLDER --remotepath /john/myfolder --localpath c:/users/john/desktop/localdata -sslverify VERIFY_STRICT |
DOWNLOADFOLDER | Downloads a folder recursively from the remote server to the local machine. Download will skip files if they are already present and if they have the same size as the size on the server. cloudapi --user USERNAME --password PASSWORD --host SERVERURL --operation DOWNLOADFOLDER --remotepath FULLPATH --localpath LOCALFOLDERPATH --sslverify VERIFY_STRICT Example: cloudapi --user john --password mypassword --host --operation DOWNLOADFOLDER --remotepath /john/myfolder --localpath c:/users/john/desktop/localdatabakup -sslverify VERIFY_STRICT |