You can share a file with a user who does not have a FileCloud account yet but wants one.
Before you can invite a new user to create a FileCloud account, an administrator must configure the FileCloud site to allow it.
If you are not able to invite a new user to access your share, contact your administrator about allowing new user account creation.
If you are an administrator, follow these instructions to allow new users to create an account.
Enable New Account Creation Requests
This is called a Private share because:
- You are only allowing users with a FileCloud account to access your file.
When you invite a new user to share your files, the following process occurs:
- You share a file and invite a new user to create a FileCloud account.
- You need to know their email address, add them as a Guest, and then send them an email with the link to create an account.
- The user you have invited uses the link to create their own FileCloud account.
- After the new user signs in, they have a Full Access FileCloud account.
- The new user can access the file.
An account with Full Access has its own private cloud storage space in the "My Files" area.
These users can:
- store files in their own private cloud storage space
- view/download files stored in their storage space
- view/download files shared with them by other user accounts
That means when you privately share a file, you can leave the default settings in:
- Expires = Never Expires
- Restrict Downloads = No Restrictions. This allows any user to download a file an unlimited number of times.
- Email File Change Notifications = YES. This sends an email notification when a file is opened or downloaded for a public share.
- Enable Password Protection = NO. This allows a user to access a file without first providing a password.
However, you must make changes in:
- Allow Selected Users/Groups = selected. This allows you to specify who you want to invite to create a FileCloud account so that they can access the file.
To share a file with a new FileCloud user:
- Open a browser and log in to the User Portal.
- In the User Portal, click My Files.
- Select the file you want to share.
- Click the Share button.|
- In the Share Link dialog box, click Advanced Options.
- On the Manage Share dialog box, in Share Permissions, select Allow Selected Users/Groups.
- To invite a new user, select the Guest tab, and then click Add Guest.
- In the Search Users dialog box, type in the user's email address, and then click Search.
- You will see a message telling you no user was found.
- In the Search dialog box, click Invite.
- In the Share Notification Email dialog, you can edit the contents of the email and then click Send.
- You will see a message about the Email Status. read it and then click Close.
- On the Manage Share dialog box, in Share Permissions, select the guest you just added.
- To set permissions, check any of the following options: Allow View, Allow Download, Allow Share.
- To save your changes, click Update.
If your system uses SMS Authentication, the following Search Users dialog box opens so you can enter the phone number to send the SMS message when the user attempts to log in to FileCloud.