In order for the data to be imported, the following conditions must be met
- The data must be in locally accessible disk. Ideally, the data must reside in the same drive as the managed storage (say, Managed storage is in C:\fileclouddata, then the import data must also be in C: drive)
- The data must be in following structure. <ImportPath><users><data>. For example, if you have four users, say, bshepard, jsmith, mjackson, sjane, then the structure should be as shown below
- The users must already be created in the system (bshepard, jsmith, mjackson, sjane must already be a valid full user in the system)
- The users must have enough quota assigned to allow the data import
To import files into local managed storage:
- Open a browser and log in to the Admin Portal.
- In the left navigation panel, under SETTINGS, click Settings.
- On the Manage Settings window, click the Misc. tab, and then the General sub-tab.
- On the General screen, next to Import Files, click the Import button.
- On the Import files into managed storage dialog, in File Import Path, type the location to the files you want to import.
- Click Import.