Automatic Database Backup

In environments where High Availability architecture is being used, automatic backups are performed during Cron runs.

By default, automatic database backups are enabled with the following configuration: 

  • Daily backups are stored in the following directory:  .../scratch/autobackups/
  • Backups are maintained for the last 15 days before being overwritten with new backups

As an administrator, you can change the location where backups are stored, the number of backups to maintain, and the number of days between backups. Or, if you already have a back-up strategy, you can disable automatic backups.

To configure automatic database backups:

  1. In the admin portal, go to Settings and then click Misc > General.
  2. Configure the following settings:

    Disable DB Backup - When checked, FileCloud will not back-up databases during a Cron run. When unchecked, autobackup is enabled.
    If autobackup is enabled, the last autobackup run date is shown.

    DB Backup Store Path - The path to a directory where you want to save the backed-up database files. You must use a path that is accessible to the FileCloud server, can have files saved to it, and has enough room for the backup files

    Number of Backups -The number of days you want stored in a single backup file. By default, each backup file contains 15 days worth of data. If you want smaller files, you can lower this number. For example, if you type in 2 for Number of Backups, the backup file will only contain 2 days worth of data. Keep in mind that after those 2 days, the backup file will be overwritten to store the next 2 days worth of data. This setting controls how far back you can recover data.

    DB Backup Interval - The interval in days between each backup. The default is 0 which creates a daily backup of the number of days set in Number of Backups.
  3. Click Save.


The Cherry Road Real Estate company needs to back-up data from the last 30 days and wants the back-up refreshed every week. To do this, these are the settings they use:

  • Disable DB Backup = not selected
  • DB Backup Store Path = /var/scratch/autobackups
  • Number of Backups = 30 
  • DB Backup Interval = 7