FileCloud Desktop Settings

To change your settings in FileCloud Desktop, click the Settings tab at the bottom of the dashboard.

Mute all notifications

When enabled, all notifications sent from FileCloud Desktop are turned off.

Default is disabled.

Lock automatically on edit

When enabled, files opened for edit through FileCloud Desktop are locked, and other users cannot edit them. When the files are closed they are unlocked again.

Default is enabled.

FileCloud For Office Integration/
Trust FileCloud for Office

FileCloud for Office is an add-in that allows users to automatically:

  • Lock Office files when they open them 
  • Share Office files while working with them in FileCloud clients

When you initially install FileCloud Desktop, the Trust FileCloud for Office button appears. Click it to use FileCloud for Office.
After you click the button, it disappears. The FileCloud For Office Integration setting remains disabled until you enable it.

Run at system startup

When enabled, begin running FileCloud Desktop when the system starts.

Default is enabled.

App language

User interface language. Change to any of the language options.

Default is English.

Network share offline folders
Sync frequency (minutes) 

Interval between automatic sync events for Network Folders. Choose any interval in the drop-down list.

Default is 10 minutes.

Note: Most FileCloud Online systems do not include Network Folders.