19.1.2 Release Notes



This release corrects issues found in FileCloud Server version 19.1.1

It includes:

Upgrading from version 19.1 or 19.1.1:

Upgrading from any other version to 19.1.2:

  • A full system upgrade is required for all existing installations due to the following core change:
    1. More powerful background processing has been added to improve message queuing and the speed of FileCloud responses.

  Upgrading to 19.1

Issues Resolved 


Admin Portal

FileCloud Server shows that an upgrade is available in error

Issue: When an administrator logs in to the Admin Portal, the Home  dashboard shows that an upgrade available even if the latest version is installed.

Resolution: FileCloud Server has been modified so that in the Admin Portal, on the Home  dashboard, available upgrades are only displayed when the latest version is NOT installed.