
November 2, 2020

Patch 20.2.3 fixes these issues.
ServerAdmin usersCL-7526An issue causing logout of Admin users who were only given User and User Shares permissions has been fixed. 
ServerAPICL-7504A problem causing some API calls to fail after upgrade to FileCloud 20.2.2 has been fixed.
ServerFoldersCL-7557An issue causing folder opening to work incorrectly after copying files has been fixed.
ServerS3CL-7508An issue causing multiple-file download from S3 network storage to work incorrectly has been fixed.
ServerShares CL-7491A problem preventing Recaptcha from working when a Network Folder file was shared with password protection has been fixed.
ServerSharesCL-7519An issue preventing upload of password-protected shares has been fixed.
ServerSharesCL-7538Public share links were not working in Safari; this has been fixed.
ServerVideo filesCL-7373A problem causing single file shares of video files to fail to display the play button has been fixed.
Drive, SyncDocIQCL-7446When users tried to open a file that was locked by another user, DocIQ information did not load properly; this has been fixed.
SyncFolder namingCL-7509An issue causing Sync folders with & in their names not to sync has been fixed.
SyncTeam FoldersCL-7452A feature allowing Team Folders to be synced even if My Folders is disabled has been added.