Reference Number | Area | Description |
Server |
CL-3326 | 2FA | 2FA can now be enabled for Limited users. |
CL-6334 | 2FA | Users can now specify the number of characters in an SMS 2FA code and what combination of numbers, letters, and uppercase letters it uses. |
CL-6479 | 2FA | 2FA log in no longer fails when users include uppercase letters in the log-in username. |
CL-6525 | Active directory | When all users were removed from an AD group, after syncing, the users were not removed from FileCloud. This has been fixed. |
CL-6340 | Admin username | The main admin username may now only include letters, numbers, and the special characters: space, period, hyphen, and underscore. It may not be the same as the superadmin name. |
CL-6497 | Alerts | Alerts were not displayed in the Admin UI after the alert count reached 100; this has been fixed. |
CL-6749 | Antivirus scanning | Users were not notified if the ICAP server failed, and uploaded files that were not scanned were not deleted; now, a message appears when the ICAP server fails, and a setting enables admins to delete unscanned files. See Use ICAP Antivirus Scanning |
CL-6757 | Antivirus scanning | Users were not notified if the ClamAV server failed, and uploaded files that were not scanned were not deleted; now, a message appears when the ClamAV server fails, and a setting enables admins to delete unscanned files. See Use ClamAV Antivirus Scanning. |
CL-6797 | Audit | A problem causing private shares to appear as 'Public shared <path>' in the audit database has been fixed. |
CL-6361 | Backup Server | A bug preventing the backup server from restoring 0kb files has been fixed. |
CL-6696 | Backup Server | Backup server query performance has been improved. |
CL-7327 | Backup Server | The backup server ui is now able to paginate the backup jobs table. |
CL-6847 | Content Search | A problem preventing indexing of files uploaded to a network share folder with NTFS permissions has been fixed. |
CL-6877 | Display name | When display names are imported, the pipe character | is now supported. |
CL-6704 | DLP | When an Enforce DLP rule failed, evaluation stopped, and only one violated rule was being logged. These issues have been fixed. |
CL-6463 | Document preview | Users with view-only access to shares can now preview them in Office in systems that use WOPI and js viewer. |
CL-6467 | Email | A problem causing duplicate emails to be sent for systems using HA clusters has been fixed. |
CL-6613 | Email validation | In some cases, although limited user email domains were different from their server URLs, as required, the system sent the error message that the domain was invalid. This has been fixed. |
CL-6451 | Email validation | Creating a user who receives an invitation was prevented if the email had admin as its prefix, this is now permitted. |
CL-6977 | FileCloud helper | A problem causing FileCloud helper to push an incorrect path to FileCloud has been fixed. |
CL-6773 | Folder actions | Folders are now locked when an operation is being performed on them. |
CL-6879 | Groups | A problem causing the Everyone group to incorrectly display 0 members has been fixed. |
CL-6993 | ICAP | Scan requests now include the name, email, and type of the requesting user. |
CL-6349 | jQuery | The versions of jQuery in smartadmin and bootstrap were updated. |
CL-5802 | License | If a license was renewed before the expiry date, cron was failing to get the license information; this has been fixed. |
CL-6462 | Log out | A problem causing auto-log out in the Admin portal to work incorrectly has been fixed. |
CL-6709 | Login screen | Now, instead of a drop-down that displays Forgot password, Forgot password is displayed directly on the log-in screen. |
CL-6416 | Logs | An issue causing the backslash after the final folder name to not appear in some folder paths in the audit log has been fixed. |
CL-6210 | Logs | Logs now include entries for deleted files that skip the Recycle bin because of the file size limit. |
CL-6522 | Logs | Error logging is now done when an upload limit is reached for a shared folder. |
CL-6127 | Multi-tenancy | In a multi-tenancy environment, Site Names and Site Host Names may now include the @ character. |
CL-6278 | Notifications | Notifications stream now displays a notification when a user is removed from a share. |
CL-6781 | Notifications | A problem causing users to not receive self-notification emails has been fixed. |
CL-6318 | Password | The Change Password option no longer incorrectly appears in the user portal for users created through SSO . |
CL-7121 | Password | The Forgot Password option now appears on the login page for AD and LDAP users, but it does not send a reset email. |
CL-6830 | Permissions | A problem enabling users to save read-only files using CTRL-S has been fixed. |
CL-6575 | Policies | In the Admin UI, when a user's policy was edited, no warning was given that the edit was being applied to the default policy for all users; now the warning is given. |
CL-6459 | Public shares | In Version 20.1, when a file was shared publicly with a password, the password did not appear in the invite email, but this has been fixed. |
CL-6622 | Recycle bin | In the recycle bin view of the User Details window, admins can now sort files by size and modified date. |
CL-7042 | Reports | A problem causing the "IP" and "How" columns to display each other's values in the print audit logs has been fixed. |
CL-7025 | SAML SSO | To prevent internal calls from failing, SAML SSO supports url overrides |
CL-6348 | Security | Improved security against user enumeration vulnerability has been added. |
CL-6897 | Security | FileCloud no longer responds to requests to download .gz files. |
CL-6569 | Settings | In Customization/General/UI Features, the setting Show Single File Share Full Preview was disabled by default, but is now enabled. |
CL-6212 | Share | A problem in which shares of sub-folders were not removed when shares of the parent folders were removed has been fixed. |
CL-5759 | Share | When a file is shared and a limited user is invited to create an account, the Allow Share and Allow Sync buttons were incorrectly appearing enabled, but now appear disabled |
CL-6760 | Share expiration | Share expiration settings can now be set in user policies. |
CL-6496 | Share preview | A problem causing the URL to continuously refresh when a user attempted to preview a public share has been fixed. |
CL-6493 | Share settings | In policies, admins can override the setting that prevents users from changing share types (between public and private). See Configure Sharing Defaults. |
CL-6845 | SSO | A problem causing a user logged in through SSO to be omitted from the 'Get User Login' report has been fixed. |
CL-6401 | Team Folders | When a promoted admin was given Team Folder access, User Share access was not automatically checked. This has been fixed. |
CL-5718 | Upload | When FileCloud uploads files, it now display the last modified date instead of the upload date. |
CL-6769 | Metadata | The system was allowing multiple metadata sets with the same name to be created but this has been fixed. |
CL-6795 | Metadata | A problem causing hidden and read-only metadata sets to be returned has been fixed. |
CL-6788 | Metadata | A problem causing the system to attempt to extract metadata from files that were over the size limit has been fixed. |
CL-4977 | Network Folders | A cache setting has been added to optimize display of network folders. See Network Folder Limitations. |
CL-6574 | New Account | When an invited user changed the language, the user was taken back to the log-in screen, but the New Account button was missing. Now, the New Account button appears. |
CL-6298 | Notifications | A problem causing users who create new shares to receive multiple share expiry notifications has been fixed. |
CL-6369 | Notifications | A bug preventing the path rule on an external folder to override the main setting has been fixed. |
CL-6402 | Reports | An issue making it difficult to use the file activity report has been fixed. |
CL-5691 | SafeLogic | The SafeLogic OpenSSL modules for FIPS have been updated to the latest version. |
CL-6904 | Search | A search with the word "filename" was not retrieving network share files. This has been fixed. |
CL-6412 | Search | Advanced search on file extensions now works. |
CL-5585 | User Interface | The upper-right corner of the user interface now includes more spaces for displaying the name. |
CL-5677 | User interface | Share screen for private sharing labeled users as "Guest" and included button "Add Guest." These have been changed to "Users" and "Invite Users" for clarity. |
CL-6362 | User interface | Previously, the browser tab for FileCloud displayed the user's account name, but now it displays the user's display name. |
CL-6798 | User interface | Devices are now hidden in settings for limited users. |
CL-6697 | User interface | The label "Quick Edit" has been replaced with "Edit in Desktop" in the user portal. |
CL-6481 | User interface | In the screen for creating a new account, the Account name field with the placeholder "Enter name" now has the placeholder "Enter username". |
CL-6474 | User Interface | When users viewed a public share, the encrypted username appeared as the parent folder of the share; this has been fixed so that "Shared with me" appears instead of the encrypted username. |
CL-6945 | Versioning | In version 20.2, the current version is saved rather than deleted when a previous version replaces it as the current version. |
CL-6471 | Versioning | A problem that was causing duplicate files to be created when versioning was disabled has been fixed. |
CL-6617 | WOPI | A feature to change the locale in WOPI has been added to enable users' date format and locale to correspond. |
Drive and MacDrive |
| . |
CL-6484 | Auto-login | The ability to disable auto-login was not functioning in Drive. This has been fixed. |
CL-6598 | DocIQ | When a new file is created but not yet uploaded to the server, and a user tries to open it, the message "DocIQ failed to load" has been replaced with "The file information was not found in server." |
CL-6796 | File Lock | Drive was allowing locked files to be opened. This has been fixed. |
CL-6432 | File Lock | When a user tries to rename a locked folder, a notice now indicates that a locked file cannot be renamed. |
CL-6597 | File Lock | A problem after Drive was installed causing files not to lock when edited has been fixed. |
CL-6519 | File operations | When three consecutive operations were performed on the same file, sometimes the third operation was not completed. This has been fixed. |
CL-6436 | Installer | The MSI and EXE installers for Drive now remove old versions of Drive when installing the latest one. |
CL-6447 | Limited users | A problem causing Drive not to create limited user accounts on new file shares has been fixed. |
CL-5582 | Locks | An issue with automatically setting and releasing locks on Microsoft files in Mac and Windows has been resolved. |
CL-2805 | Message | When a user tried to perform an action requiring download of a file that was downloading for another operation, an error message that did not explain the issue appeared. Now, the system shows a download progress counter, and the second action is performed when the download completes. |
CL-6373 | Renaming Folders | A problem that caused renamed folders to appear empty until Drive was restarted has been fixed. |
CL-6513 | Renaming Folders | A problem causing FileCloud to freeze when a parent folder was renamed has been fixed. |
CL-6499 | Right-click | A problem causing errors when right-click actions were selected has been fixed. |
CL-6978 | Right-click | A problem preventing right-click options from working when the FileCloud url had a custom port has been fixed. |
CL-6444 | Upload/Download | An issue causing upload or download of a large number of files to fail has been fixed. |
MacDrive |
CL-6523 | Multiple users | An issue causing problems with mounting the drive when multiple users logged in to MacDrive on the same device has been fixed. |
Sync |
CL-6837 | Log | A duplicate folder name event that was appearing as an error has been fixed to appear as info in the log. |
CL-6494 | Notifications | A setting has been added that allows admins who have disabled notifications to enable them for errors and important messages only. |
CL-7004 | Upload files | A problem preventing file upload when the "read-only" sync flag and the "propagate ACL changes to sync" flag were enabled has been fixed. |
Mobile |
CL-6962 | Android and iOS, Permissions | An error allowing shares with view-only permissions to be copied to other locations has been fixed. |
CL-5120 | iOS, Favorites | If a user created a folder other than default in Favorites, the folder could not be deleted. To resolve this, options to create, rename and delete Favorite lists from the Favorites' screen have been added. |
CL-6150 | iOS, Favorites | A problem preventing files or folders from being uploaded into the Favorites folder has been fixed. |
Online |
CL-5310 | TOS | The correct TOS content for FC Online accounts was only added when the account was initially created. Reset to Defaults for TOS customization sent them to another page instead of resetting the TOS. This has been fixed. |
CL-5539 | TOS | An issue causing the default rather than custom TOS to display on the customer registration page has been fixed. |
ServerSync |
CL-6723 | SOLR | An issue preventing files with uppercase extensions from being indexed has been fixed. |
ServerLink |
CL-6621 | Alerts | Alerts sent from ServerLink were being sent from admin email and to admin email, but are now sent from system default email and to admin email. |
CL-6368 | Replication | A problem causing secondary server replication to stop randomly has been fixed. |
CL-6745 | Serial Queue | ServerLink events are now handled in the serial processing high priority queue rather than the parallel queue. |
Sync and ServerSync |
CL-6357 | Timestamp | A problem preventing the local machine timestamp from being saved for uploaded folders has been fixed. |