Storage Scanner Tool for Missing Files
The Storage Scanner tool is available in FileCloud version 21.1 and later.
The storage scanner tool checks if each file entered into the FileCloud database has a corresponding physical file in storage. If a physical file is missing, the storage scanner prints its database entry details. An admin can remove the invalid files listed from the database.
The tool is storagescanner.php, and is located in C:\xampp\htdocs\resources\tools\fileutils
To run the Storage Scanner tool:
In a command line enter:
For Windows:cd c:\xampp\htdocs\resources\tools\fileutils PATH=%PATH%;C:\xampp\php
For Linux:
cd /var/www/html/resources/tools/fileutils/
Then, for both Windows and Linux, enter:
php storagescanner.php [-h hostname]
-h hostname - (optional ) fully qualified name of the site in a multisite installation. Do not include this parameter for a default site or a standalone site.
Sample output
Looking at default host ----------------- Scanning storage for missing files ----------------- Processed count : 100 Processed count : 200 Processed count : 300 Missing file in storage: /tester/3/vHGK.docx -> 0/5ecbc9bfa5e39606437822/5ecbc9bfa9a8a133028276/602ef8f0e35bb575222337.dat Missing file in storage: /tester/3/Lsp.doc -> 0/5ecbc9bfa5e39606437822/5ecbc9bfa9a8a133028276/602ef90638ae0643407781.dat ------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------- Scanning complete ----------------- Folders Scanned : 43 Files Scanned : 351 ---------------------------------------