Report Problems in FileCloud

When an administrator runs into issues with FileCloud Server, they can contact support to resolve the issue.

  • Support will request that the administrator collect the debug logs when the problem occurs.
  • You can capture the required data in logs and send them to FileCloud development team.
  • Log files for FileCloud Server are normally found in the scratch folder.

The server log files in the scratch folder are now automatically compressed into a zip folder.

  • This auto-archive process is completed by Cron
  • As soon as a log file is 30 days old, it is compressed and added to the archive
  • After the file is archived, the original file is deleted to free up space
  • This archival process happens automatically and does not require you to configure any special settings

What is a scratch file or folder?

When looking for log files, you may see the term scratch.  

  • Scratch is a term used to describe a temporary file or location in memory storage that a computer uses as a place to store data.
  • FileCloud Server uses a scratch folder to contain the application code trace data (in log files) that are used for debugging issues.
  • In production (PROD) mode, a scratch folder will have minimal logs.
  • In development (DEV) mode, a comprehensive amount of trace data is generated, so this scratch folder can become large. This may slow down the speed of FileCloud Server responses.

Enable Debug Logging

By default FileCloud installation operates in PROD mode.

  • This is the production mode, in which the amount of logging generated is very little.

To increase the logging information, an administrator has to enable debug mode.

  • In production (PROD) mode, you will generate minimal logs.
  • In development (DEV) mode, a comprehensive amount of trace data is generated, so the amount of log files and their size can become large.

Setting Log Level to DEV may slow down the speed of FileCloud Server responses.

To enable debug mode:

  1. Open a browser and log in to the Admin Portal.
  2. From the left navigation pane, select Settings.
  3. On the Manage Settings screen, select the Server tab.
  4. On the Server tab, scroll down until you see Log Level.
  5. In Log Level, select DEV.
  6. Click Save.
    (lightbulb) After saving, you do not need to restart any services. The change should be picked up automatically

Recreate the Issue

If the issue on hand is re-creatable, perform the steps to recreate the issue.

If the issue is not reproducible, then keep running FileCloud in DEV mode.

Locate the Log Files

You can either allow FileCloud Server and client applications to generate log files to send to support, or you can manually collect the files you need.

(tick) It is recommended that whenever possible, you use the Admin Portal or client applications to generate log files.

  • This ensures you have the most recent, up-to-date information in the log files
  • This will also automatically collect all the log files in a compressed zip file

Automatically Generate Log Files

When you use the Admin Portal to generate logs, all log files will be compressed into a zip file and you can save and rename the file to suit your needs.

By default, the compressed file will have a name similar to: ffdc_2019-05-02-10-59-11 

To generate logs on the Admin Portal:

  1. Open a browser and log in to the Admin Portal.
  2. From the left navigation pane, under System, select Checks.
  3. On the Installation Checks screen, click Generate Logs.

To use the Sync application to generate files:

  1. From the system tray, right-click the FileCloud iconand then select Open.
    The mini-dashboard opens.
  2. Click Dashboard.
    The main dashboard opens.
  3. In the navigation panel of the main dashboard, click Help.
    The Help screen opens.
  4. Click Export Sync Log File to save the log file or click Open Log Folder to view the log file.

To use the Drive application to generate files:

  1. From the system tray, right-click the FileCloud Drive icon  and choose Dashboard.
    The Drive dashboard opens.
  2. At the bottom the FileCloud Drive dashboard, click the Settings button.
    The Settings screen opens.
  3. Click Get logs to access log files.

To use the ServerSync application to generate files:

  1. From the system tray, right-click the FileCloud ServerSync icon and then select Settings.
  2. On the Home page, select the Help screen option.
  3. Under Troubleshooting, click Save Log File, note the folder location, and click OK

Manually Collect Log Files


Windows LocationLinux Location
Apache Web Serveraccess.log and error log in folder: <DriveLetter>\xampp\apache\logs\access.log and error log in folder:  /var/logs/apache2/
FileCloud Server



FileCloud Helper






 PHP<DriveLetter>\xampp\php\logs\php_error.log Only if PHP Error logging is enabled
ServerSync %APPDATA%\%appdata%/.local/share/FFOServerFileCloudServerSyncData\client\syncclient.log N/A


Sync Client%APPDATA%\FileCloudSyncData\client\syncclient.log~/FileCloudSyncData/client/syncclient.log


Drive Client%APPDATA%\FileCloudDrive\data\FileCloudDrive.logN/A~/Library/Application Support/Filecloud/macdrive/data/filecloudmacdrive.log
FileCloud Desktop for macOSN/A ~/Library/Group Containers/
FileCloud for Office (FFO)%APPDATA%\.local\share\FFOServerN/A/Users/[USERNAME]/Library/Preferences/FFOServer

Send the Logs to Support

Once you are ready to report the problem, please Contact FileCloud Support.