Post Installation

After the FileCloud installation is completed, the following steps will help you prepare FileCloud for use:

  1. Verify Your Installation.
  2. Install the FileCloud License.
  3. Configure the Managed Storage Path.
  4. Enable MongoDB Bind IP and Authentication.
  5. Configure SSL if desired.
  6. Change the account used to run Apache, FileCloud Cron Service, FileCloud Docconverter, FileCloud helper and FileCloud Message Queue Service to an account that is not Local System.

    1. Open Windows Services.
    2. Right-click Apache2.4, and choose Properties. 

    3. In the Properties dialog box, click the Log On tab.
    4. Select This account.
    5. Enter a Windows account to use for running the service.
    6. Enter and confirm the password.
    7. Click Apply.
    8. Restart the service
    9. Repeat this procedure for each of the services (Apache24, FileCloud Cron Service, FileCloud Docconverter, FileCloud Helper, and fcorchestrator (for FileCloud Message Queue)).
  7. Delete your installation folder. 

    Delete the Installation Folder

    Once you have verified your installation and can log in to the admin portal, it is recommended that you delete in the installation directory.

    This step provides increased security. If someone can guess the location of your installation folder and access it they could potentially overwrite your site by running the installer again.

    The installation folder exists in the following location by default:





    To delete the installation folder:

    1. On the FileCloud server, locate the installation folder for your operating system.
    2. On Windows, to delete the folder, right-click its name or icon, and then choose Delete from the pop-up menu.
    3. On Linux, to remove all files and directories within that directory, with no prompt for deleting each file, use the following command:
    rm -rf install

    Failing to delete your FileCloud install folder after you verify installation may cause your system to leak sensitive data.


To configure storage, SSL, and other post-installation settings, I need the File Cloud Control panel. How do I open it?

(lightbulb) In the following section, to display more information, click on a topic.

There are several ways to open the FileCloud Control Panel:

Using the Windows Start Menu

  1. On the server, from the Windows Start menu, select the FileCloud Control Panel

Finding the FileCloud control panel executable file (cloudcp.exe)

  1. On the server, find the xampp folder.
  2. Inside the folder, double-click the cloudcp.exe file.