Sync for Netgear ReadyNAS

A command line version of the sync app is provided for Netgear ReadyNAS series of Network Attached Storage devices. Currently only x86-64 versions running ReadyNAS OS 6.0 and above are supported. (ReadyNAS 312 for example is known to work)


Download the regular Linux x86-64 package and unzip the contents to any location on your NAS.


In the unzipped folder, create an xml file called syncconconfig.xml and enter the credentials to the filecloud server to which to sync to.

urlURL to the FileCloud server to use
accountName of the user account to be used for syncingjohn
passwordPassword for the user account to be used for syncingpassword

If specified, only the folders specified are synced. Multiple folders can be specified using the '|' as the delimiter

This entry is optional and can be omitted.


If specified, the folders specified are connected for 2 way sync, backup or one way read-only copy of remote files.
This entry specified the number of offline folders to be specified. Each Offline Folder is further specified by adding an appropriate "offline_folder_n" entry.
Note that n starts from 1 and goes till the max specified.

This entry is optional and can be omitted.


Specifies the offline folder sync settings. The folder value is specified using 6 parameters using the following format

<LOCAL FOLDER> = E.g: C:\data\localfolder
<REMOTE FOLDER> = E.g.: /john/folder1
<SYNC TYPE> = 0 - 2 Way Sync, 1 - Backup from Local to Remote, 2 - Read only copy of remote files to local
<SCHEDULE>=  1h (every 1 hour), 2h (every 2 hours), 4h (every 4 hours), 8h (every 8 hours), 24h (every 24 hours), 30m (every 30 minutes)
<RECURSE INTO DIRECTORIES> = 1 - Recurse (top level and sub folders are synced), 0 - Not Recurse (only top level folder is synced) 
<ALLOW REMOTE DELETION> = 1- Allowed (Local deletes are propagated to server) , 0-Disallowed (Local deletes are not propagated to server)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

Also, adjust the contents of the xml file called syncclientconfig.xml and adjust the paths to whatever that you need.

syncfolderlocationThis location is where the sync folder is created. Any files added or modified here are synced back to the filecloud server.
syncclientlocationThis location is where sync stores temporary files as well as all the sync state information. It is recommended to delete the folder to reset the state or when changing to a different sync server.
lockmutexThis value has no effect, just leave it at 0
loglevelThis value affects the amount of logging performed by the sync client. 'trace' is the default and allows full logging
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>


Create a startup script to startup the sync app and save it to a file called

#!/bin/sh -e
./filecloudsynccon 2> /dev/null 1>&2

Make sure to set the executable permissions on the file

chmod +x ./

Finally to start the application, do the following:
