Install DocIQ with Sync

For users who begin using FileCloud in version 23.1 or users who have not used DocIQ previously: You will not see an option to install DocIQ when you install or upgrade FileCloud Sync. Instead, you will be given the option of installing FileCloud for Office.

Current FileCloud Sync users (DocIQ users)
: Later this year, DocIQ will be deprecated, and FileCloud will no longer support it. Although you can continue to use DocIQ, we recommend using FileCloud for Office, which can be downloaded from the Office add-ins store. Now, when you upgrade FileCloud Sync, you are given the choice of using FileCloud for Office or continuing to use DocIQ. If you choose to use FileCloud for Office, please see the Using FileCloud for Office with Sync documentation.

DocIQ allows you to easily manage FileCloud options for a file directly in Microsoft Office applications.

To install DocIQ, you just need to update your FileCloud Sync software to the latest version.

Install FileCloud Sync


It's easy! Just make sure you have this:

 Microsoft Office - Version 2007 or later for Windows 

DocIQ does not support Microsoft Office for Mac OS. If you are a macOS user, install FileCloud for Office (FFO).

You may continue to use DocIQ when you update the FileCloud Sync Client.
When you reach this screen in the setup wizard, choose Continue using DocIQ.

Install FileCloud Sync

DocIQ is installed in the following folder:

program files(x86) / DocIQ