Upload Files and Folders in iOS

The FileCloud iOS app supports uploading files from the following locations on your device:

  • Local storage on your iOS device
  • Cloud storage connected to your iOS device (for example, Google Drive)

(lightbulb) The time it takes to upload files to the FileCloud server varies depending on connection speed. You must also have sufficient privileges and storage space on the FileCloud server.

(warning) The FileCloud iOS App must be in foreground when the upload is started; you may switch to another app while the upload is in progress.  

There are a few different ways to upload a file or folder to FileCloud.

Upload a file while you're in FileCloud by tapping the  icon:

If you have upload permission for a folder, a  icon appears on the screen when the folder is open.

  1. Log in to the iOS app, and navigate to the folder that you want to upload the file or folder to.
  2. Click the plus icon. 

    Various options for adding content pop up.
  3. Tap Media to upload media files stored on your iOS device, or tap Files to upload files or folders from your iOS device or from a remote location.

    The Media option enables you to upload image or video files stored on your device into the folder on FileCloud.

    1. After tapping the icon, tap Media.
      You are shown photos and videos stored on your device. 
    2. Tap the image or images that you want to upload, and click Add.

      The File Operations window opens at the bottom of the screen and the progress of the upload appears on the Transfers tab. 
      Note: You can continue working while the upload is in progress.

      The files are uploaded into the opened folder.

    The Files option lets you upload files or folders from local or remote locations accessible from your iOS device.

    1. After tapping the icon, tap Files.
      The last location accessed opens.
    2. Change the location by tapping Browse or search for a file in the opened location (On My iPhone in the following image) . 

      The locations available may be both local and remote.
    3. In this example, open the Chrome folder in On my iPhone.
      The screen displays the items in the folder. 
    4. Tap the item that you want to upload, and tap Open.

      A Files Operations > Transfers pop-up shows you upload progress.

      The file is uploaded:

Upload while in another app

On an iOS device, when you are working in another app, you can remain in that app and save a file to FileCloud. 

If you have opened an existing FileCloud file in an Office app for edit, your changes are automatically saved to FileCloud. See Preview and Edit iOS Files.

The following example uses Google Photos to demonstrate how to save files to FileCloud from another app, however, you could use the same process in any app that allows you to save to other apps.

To upload from a 3rd-party application:

  1. Access the file(s) in the other app on your iOS device.
    Here, in Google Photos, tap on the photo(s) to open.
  2. Depending on the app, the action to choose may be upload, share, or save.
    In Google Photos, after selecting the photo(s), tap Share to.

  3. From the options that appear, tap FileCloud. 

    The Save to FileCloud screen opens. (If your FileCloud login credentials are not saved in iOS, you are prompted to log in to FileCloud first).
    You are given the option of editing the filename before you save it to FileCloud.

  4. To change the filename, tap Edit Name.

    If you choose multiple files, first you see an option to edit all files selected, and after you click Edit, the Edit Name option for each file appears.

  5. Enter a new name for the file and tap Rename.

    The file is renamed.
  6. Navigate to the FileCloud folder where you want to save the file(s).
  7. To create a new sub-folder for storing the file(s), tap New Folder.
  8. Enter a name for the new folder and tap Create.
  9. Tap the new folder to open it for storing the uploaded file(s).
  10. Tap Save here.

    The file(s) are saved in the folder.

    To confirm that a file has been saved to FileCloud with the correct folder and filename, open the FileCloud app and navigate to the folder you stored it in.

Please note the following restrictions when uploading files to FileCloud:

  • Files with the same name:
    • If you upload a file with the same name and the same case as another file in the same folder, it overwrites the file.
    • If you upload a file with the same name but a different case than another file in the same folder, you cannot upload the file and the File Operations window displays a file name conflict message.
    • If you upload files with the same name but different file extensions, like myfile.doc and myfile.docx, they are treated as different files.
  • FileCloud cannot upload files with leading spaces in the filename.
  • By default, files with the extensions php, php5, phar, and phtml cannot be uploaded into FileCloud.

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