Install ServerSync on Linux

Beginning with FileCloud Version 21.1, ServerSync supports SUSE Linux versions 12 and 15.  To use SUSE Linux version 12 with storage application programs such as Dell Unity VSA, enable LAN file sharing.

How to Install FileCloud ServerSync on Linux

  1. Download FileCloud ServerSync App from
  2. After successfully downloading the App, extract the zip file

    To extract files using the terminal, use the following command:-

    Now, you will have a bunch of files in the extracted location.
  3. Give execute permission to and fssync file

    chmod +x
    chmod +x fssync
  4. For a headless (non-gui) setup, edit the config file under fsserviceconfig.xml, and put the necessary parameters for your configuration. For an installation with gui you can use the ServerSync gui interface to configure the synchronization parameters. A table showing how to format the parameters follows.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    		<value>HERE TYPE SERVER URL ADDRESS</value>
    		<value>USER NAME</value>
  5. Open the terminal, go to the location where the FileCloud ServerSync files were extracted, and then run 


Format of parameters in fsserviceconfig.xml

Table 1. The following XML tags are supported for the ServerSync device configuration.




limit_folder_countNumber of folders to sync. If key is not specified, then there are no folders to sync.<limit_folder_count>0</limit_folder_count>





Depending upon the number of folders specified in the limit_folder_count, you will need to have the appropriate number of entries.

The folder value is specified using 5 parameters using the following format

<REMOTE FOLDER> = E.g.: /john/folder1

<LOCAL FOLDER> = E.g: C:\data\localfolder

<PERMISSION> = 1 - Allow NTFS permissions to be applied to local folder as per permissions of the folder on the remote Server, 0 - Deny NTFS permissions to be applied

<SYNC TYPE> = 0 (2-way sync) or 1 (remote to local sync).

<SYNC DISABLED> = 0 (enabled) or 1 (disabled).

disablenotifications0/1 - Enable or Disable sync notifications<disablenotifications>1</disablenotifications>
syncfrequencynumber - Number in seconds to sync to the server (default is 120 seconds)<syncfrequency>100</syncfrequency>
checkmodtime0/1 - Advanced: check modification time in addition to size when checking for changes. Default is disabled.<checkmodtime>1</checkmodtime>
checkcrc0/1 - Advanced: check CRC in addition to size when checking for changes. Default is disabled.<checkcrc>1</checkcrc>
deleteapprovalpctNumber from 0 to 100, which indicates what % of files being deleted requires approval. Default is 10.
This applies only to file deletions in the local sync folder.
skipdeleteapproval0/1 - Whether approvals are needed for bulk sync deletions. Default is disabled.
When set to 1, approval is required if > 50 files are deleted AND percent of files being deleted is > deleteapprovalpct.
This applies only to file deletions in the local sync folder.
currentlanguageAllows changing the current language of the Server sync app<currentlanguage>dutch</currentlanguage>

What If I'm Using Ubuntu 18.10 or Ubuntu 22.04?

For Ubuntu 18.10 or 22.04, please follow the steps below:

  1. Unzip the Linux Sync app package ( to any folder
  2. cd to the above folder
  3. Give execute permission to

    chmod 777 ./
  4. Open the terminal, go to the location where the FileCloud ServerSync files were extracted and then run

    apt-get update
    ./ install
  5. After these steps, ServerSync app will be shown along with the other desktop apps.  Double-click the app to open it.

    If ServerSync shows the message "There appears to be no system tray support in your current environment", then system tray support needs to be enabled by downloading the extensions.

  6. To download the necessary extensions, head to the TopIcons Plus extensions page on the official GNOME site. From here, click on "Click here to install browser extension.", then click "Allow" and then "Add".
  7. Return to the GNOME extensions page and refresh it. You may see the following message:
    "Although GNOME Shell integration extension is running, native host connector is not detected. Refer documentation for instructions about installing connector."
    If so, click on the "documentation" link in the message. Here, choose your Linux version, and execute the corresponding command in the terminal.
  8. Again, return to the GNOME Extensions page and refresh. Click the "Off/On" button to set it to On state. Then, click download and install option.
  9. Once all the steps above have completed successfully, the ServerSync app can be started by double-clicking the ServerSync icon in the desktop apps.