Custom Reports

FileCloud enables you to create custom reports and download them in an Excel format. To get started with the reporting system, go to the Reports menu item in the left navigation menu in admin interface.  In order to view the reports, the admin user must be the master admin or must have access to the reports system. An admin user can be granted access to the reports system through the Admins menu item on the left navigation menu.

The reports screen displays the list of existing reports. The filter text box can be used to filter reports by name. The individual reports on the report list can be viewed, downloaded, edited and deleted. New reports can be added by clicking the Add Report button.


Some reports, such as reports on file actions and failed logins, get their data from the audit log. These reports only include events that are in the audit logs when you run the report.

Add Reports

Click the add report button and Select the report to create from the drop down list.

The next step is the set the parameters. The parameters can be entered in the text box. The format for the parameters are given on the bottom of the screen. The screen also indicates whether the parameters are optional or required. 

The final step is to set a report name. The same report can be created multiple times with different parameters and named differently. This enables you to execute and download the reports quickly.

Download Reports

From the report list, run the report to view the report results in a separate window. First 30 rows are displayed on the screen. The download button can be used to download the data in csv format.

Available Reports

Report NameDescription
Retrieve client application information

Report of all remote client devices connected to FileCloud and their details.
Data Retrieved: userid, client display name, client os type, client OS version, client api level, client last login
Parameters: None

Get client application grouped by OS

Report of total client devices that are connected to FileCloud grouped by client OS.
Data Retrieved: client OS type(Windows, Android etc), total devices connected. 
Parameters: None 

Get client apps grouped by TYPE

Report of total client devices that are connected to FileCloud grouped by TYPE.
Data Retrieved: Client Type(Sync, Drive etc), total devices connected.
Parameters: None 

Get all file activities by users

Report of all add, update, share, download, and delete actions for files. If date parameters are not supplied, actions from last 7 days are retrieved.
Data Retrieved: Timestamp of action, username, file name, action.

  • user: (OPTIONAL) Enter the username to list the file activities of the user
  • from_date: (OPTIONAL) From date in Y-M-d H:i:s
  • to_date: (OPTIONAL) To date in Y-M-d H:i:s

This report is available beginning in FileCloud 20.1.

Get file type distribution in managed storageReport of File types stored in FileCloud along with the total count of each type
Data Retrieved: File Type, total files stored.
Parameters: None 
Get storage usage by file type

Report of amount of storage space used by each file type.
Data Retrieved: File type, sizeraw (file size in bytes), size (formatted file size)
Parameters: None

Get users who have most files in managed storage

Report of users who have the most files stored under FileCloud in managed storage
Data Retrieved: username, total files stored.
Parameters: None 

Get user quota usage reportReport of users who use the maximum quote in FileCloud managed storage

Data Retrieved: username, email, file count, quote usage, quote assigned, quote usage percentage.
Beginning with FileCloud version 20.3, the CSV file that is downloaded also displays the groups the user belongs to,  the user's effective policy, and the user's last log-in date and time.

Parameters: None 
Get number of active files in managed storageReport of total number of files that were changed in the last 1 day, 1 week, 1 month and 6 months
Data Retrieved: days, total files changed, percent of files changed. 
Parameters: None
Get uploaded files report

Report on what files were uploaded during a given period, or files uploaded by a user or group of users during a particular period.

Data Retrieved: Timestamp of upload, user name, user agent, IP address, file path, bytes of file uploaded


  • from_date : (OPTIONAL) From date in Y-M-d H:i:s
  • to_date : (OPTIONAL) To date in Y-M-d H:i:s
  • username : (OPTIONAL) User account name - can be set only when from_date and to_date are specified 
  • ignore_from_owner: (OPTIONAL) Define if the uploads made from folders owned by the user are ignored (YES or NO, defaults to NO)
Get downloaded files report

Report on what files were downloaded during a given period, or files downloaded by a user or group of users during a particular period.

Data Retrieved: Timestamp of download, user name, user agent, IP address, file path, bytes of file downloaded


  • from_date : (OPTIONAL) From date in Y-M-d H:i:s
  • to_date : (OPTIONAL) To date in Y-M-d H:i:s
  • username : (OPTIONAL) User account name - can be set only when from_date and to_date are specified 
  • ignore_from_owner: (OPTIONAL) Define if the downloads made from folders owned by the user are ignored (YES or NO, defaults to NO)
Get files tagged with metadata report

Report listing files/folders and their value for a specified metadata field.

Data Retrieved: path of folder or file, username, metadata field, value of metadata field


  • metadata_name : (REQUIRED) Name of the metadata set
  • attribute_name : (REQUIRED) Name of the metadata attribute
  • attribute_value: (OPTIONAL) Metadata attribute value
Get shares report

Report listing shares created. 

Data Retrieved: Timestamp of download, user name, user agent, IP address, file path, password


  • from_date : (OPTIONAL) From date in Y-M-d H:i:s
  • to_date : (OPTIONAL) To date in Y-M-d H:i:s
  • username : (OPTIONAL) User account name - can be set only when from_date and to_date are specified 
File query report

Report listing files or folders filtered by specified parameters if included.
Data Retrieved: file or folder name, path, type (file or folder), size, last modification date, create date
Note: Prior to FileCloud version 21.3, the year for the modification and create dates is returned in 2 digits (for example 

  • userid : (OPTIONAL) User id to retrieve listing. If not supplied, all user listings are generated
  • sort : (OPTIONAL) Sort criteria can be "SIZE" or "MODDATE" or "CREATEDDATE"
  • limit : (OPTIONAL) the total number of results
  • searchterm : (OPTIONAL) Match keyword in file or folder name
  • type : (OPTIONAL) Type can be "file" or "folder", default is "file"
  • path : (OPTIONAL) Restrict report to files inside specified path. For help specifying the path correctly, see Identifying a FileCloud Specific Path.
File count report

Report of file count in paths specified in parameters.
Data Retrieved: number of files in each specified path.
Parameters: List of paths. For help specifying the path correctly, see Identifying a FileCloud Specific Path.

Note: This report does not include versions, deleted files and thumbnails; however, these files are considered in quota calculations in other reports, so file counts throughout reports may not be the same.

Get deleted files report

Report of deleted files.

Data Retrieved: Timestamp of delete, user name, user agent, IP address, file path


  • from_date : (OPTIONAL) From date in Y-M-d H:i:s
  • to_date : (OPTIONAL) To date in Y-M-d H:i:s
Get bandwidth usage for this instance of FileCloud

Report of the total bandwidth (upload and download) as tracked by this instance of the file cloud server. 

Data Retrieved: upload bandwidth and download bandwidth


  • from_date : (OPTIONAL) From date in Y-M-d H:i:s
  • to_date : (OPTIONAL) To date in Y-M-d H:i:s
Managed Storage File, Folder Count, and Size report

Report of all folders and sub folders within a given path, showing each file count and total size of the folder

Data Retrieved: folder and sub folder path, file count and size


This report is available in FileCloud version 20.3 and later.

Get all exported secure docs report

Report of all files exported securely.

Data Retrieved: folder path, user performing the download, options enabled (screenshot/screenshare, secure view, or enable print), # times accessed, max access times, last access date

Parameters: None

Get user shares report

Report of all the shares created in FileCloud and their details.
Data Retrieved: share name, share owner, share URL, share type, share location, created on, last access, expiry date

  • keyword - search keyword in share name, share owner, share url string (string following /url/)
  • folderpath -  location path. For help specifying the path correctly, see Identifying a FileCloud Specific Path.

The CSV file that is downloaded contains additional information about users and groups that have access to each share.

This update is available in FileCloud Server version 18.2 and later.

Get the advanced share activity of users

Report showing extensive details about the activity on a share. If no parameters are entered, the period reported is the last 7 days.

Data Retrieved: timestamp of action, action, action details (share permissions), folder name, path, affected user, affected user email address, author (person performing the action), author email address, change source IP, additional info (indicates if share is a folder), share URL

For multiple entries of the same share, the Action Details column on the report shows the most recent share's permissions.

If a user shares a folder and shares a file in that folder during the period reported on, the report displays separate entries for the folder and the file.


from_date: (OPTIONAL) From date in Y-M-d H:i:s
to_date: (OPTIONAL) To date in Y-M-d H:i:s
owner: (OPTIONAL) Owner name

This report is available beginning in FileCloud 20.1.

Get files/folders shared with user

Report listing the files and folders shared with a specific user

Data Retrieved: share name, share owner, share url, share location, type (private or public), expiry date, creation date

Parameter:email of share recipient

This report is available beginning in FileCloud 21.1.

Get effective permissions for team folders

Report on the permission level of each user who has access to a team folder.

Data Retrieved: folder, type (private or public), share location, user, permission


  • paths: (OPTIONAL) List of the names of the team folders to include on the report. For help specifying the path correctly, see Identifying a FileCloud Specific Path.
  • users : (OPTIONAL) List of users to be included in the report.
Get anonymous/unauthorized login geolocation report

Report of unauthenticated and anonymous users who accessed FileCloud showing users' IP addresses and location. To view location, Show Geo IP Chart in Settings > Admin must be set to TRUE.

Data Retrieved: IP address, operation, username, user agent, geo area, city, country, create date


  • from_date : (OPTIONAL) From date in Y-M-d H:i:s
  • to_date : (OPTIONAL) To date in Y-M-d H:i:s
  • group_by_ip : (OPTIONAL) Set to "1" to group result by IP address
Get user login reportReport of all logins to FileCloud and their details. If no parameters are entered, the period reported on is the last 7 days.
Data Retrieved: login time, username, useragent, IP
  • from_date: (OPTIONAL) login from date
  • to_date: (OPTIONAL) login to date 
  • last_number_of_hours : (OPTIONAL) number of hours before the present time to begin retrieving login records.

The last_number_of_hours parameter is available beginning in FileCloud 20.1. If from_date, to_date, and last_number_of_hours are entered together, last_number_of_hours is ignored. 

Get number of emails sent, grouped by sender

Report of the number of emails sent in the last X hours

Data Retrieved: sender, number of emails sent


  • hours: number of hours ago to begin retrieving sent email records.
Get statistics about DLP violations

Report of DLP violations by rule.

Data Retrieved: user, time of violation, user action, rule violated


  • rule_name : (OPTIONAL) Name of the rule
  • minutes : (OPTIONAL) How many minutes ago to begin looking at violations

The CSV file that is downloaded also displays the files subjected to the rule violation and, beginning in FileCloud 20.1, the metadata and attributes tagged to those files.

Get a report of active users

Report of active users in the last 15 minutes or for the time defined in minutes

Data Retrieved: user name


  • minutes : (OPTIONAL) How many minutes ago to consider users as active
Get file movement statistics

Report of last file uploads, downloads, and shares (or share changes)

Data Retrieved: number of files downloaded, number of files uploaded, number of files shared and share changes

Parameters: None

Specifying Y-M-d H:i:s values

Many of the report parameters require a date/time value in Y-M-d H:i:s format. The following table indicates the allowed values in this format.

FormatDescriptionExample/Possible values
YYear, in 4-digit format2021
MMonth, in 2-digit format, with leading 0 if necessary00 to 12
dDay, in 2-digit format, with leading 0 if necessary01 to 31
HHour, in 2-digit 24-hour format00 to 23
iMinute, in 2-digit format, with leading 0 if necessary00 to 59
sSecond, in 2-digit format, with leading 0 if necessary00 to 59

Including the H:i:s settings for time is not required.