Remove Incomplete User Uploads

This action:

  • Is recorded in the Audit log as: "Action performed by ADMIN"
  • CANNOT be undone

As an administrator, you can remove files that were not completely uploaded. This can free up storage space.

If a user tries to upload a file and for some reason the action is only partially completed, the file is saved in a folder for partial uploads.

  • Partial uploads are saved in case a network connection is lost and the user wants to continue the upload when connectivity is restored.
  • Incomplete user uploads are never shown in the Manage Files listing. 
  • Over a period of time, these partial uploads can occupy lots of space. 
  • Admins can easily remove these partial uploads with the click of one button.

(lightbulb) If a file upload is in progress:

  • It will not be removed, even if it only partially uploads, unless you use the In-transit option when removing partial uploads
  • You can use the In-transit option to cancel a partial upload in progress

Cancel a Partial Upload

To remove all incomplete user uploads:

  1. Open a browser and log in to the admin portal.
  2. From the left navigation menu, select Users.
  3. On the Manage Users page, select a user, and then click the Edit icon.
  4. In the User Detail dialog box, click Manage Files.
    The Manage Files for <User> window opens.
  5. Click the Remove All Incomplete Uploads icon .
  6. On the Incomplete Files dialog box, to also remove incomplete uploads in progress, select Include in-transit.
  7. Click OK.
    Incomplete downloads are removed.