Troubleshooting Drive


  • If Sophos Antivirus is installed, Drive application performance with large files (10MB+) is impacted.

FAQ - FileCloud Drive

Here are some of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about FileCloud Drive.

(lightbulb) Click on a link to expand it.

There is a limitation to creating shortcuts to FileCloud Drive.  When a user reboots their PC shortcuts no longer work because the map FileCloud Drive uses to build the path to your files is deleted when the PC reboots. You can create a new shortcut after you navigate through the application, and the map is recreated.

Folder and file names cannot contain:

  • ..
  • \
  • /
  • :
  • *
  • ?
  • "
  • <
  • >
  • |

By default, Drive automatically logs you in as the previous log-in user even after your machine is restarted. 

(lightbulb) To read the answer to a question, click on one of the following links:

  Can I See a List of My Recent Activities?

  How Do I Use a Proxy Server to Connect?

  How Do I Lock Files that I Am Editing?

  Can I Use Two-Factor Authentication to Connect?

  Can I Upload Files Larger Than the Storage Quota?

  Drive File Issues