Mini Admin Portal

The mini admin portal is available to you if you are an admin user with the required access. It enables you to perform admin tasks from the user portal. 

An admin user is a user who has been given access to any number of operations in the FileCloud admin portal.
FileCloud Admins: You must give users an admin role with Mini Admin access to enable them to use the mini admin portal. See Managing Admin Users for help.

You have mini admin access if you see an Admin link in the navigation panel of the user portal.

Opening and navigating the mini admin portal

To open the mini admin portal:

  • In the navigation panel, click the Admin link.
    The mini admin portal opens. Some links are only visible to you if your admin role has the required permission.

  • The first three links in the navigation panel (General, Users, Customization) take you to the different views of the mini admin portal, described below. 
  • The Billing link takes you to the FileCloud customer portal.
  • The Switch to Admin Portal link logs you into the admin portal, where you can perform all of the admin functions that you have access to.

Working in the mini admin portal

The first three links in the navigation panel take you to different views of the mini admin portal. 

If you are using FileCloud on a trial basis, at the top of General view, information about the trial duration and links for purchasing FileCloud or contacting Sales appear. If your site is live, information about days until renewal with links for renewing or contacting Sales appears at the top. In addition, details about users created and storage used appear.

The options that follow depend on your admin access. 

  • If you have any user permissions, the user count appears. If you have add user permission, the Add New User button appears.

    Clicking Add New User opens a dialog box for adding a new user:
    The dialog box only requires you to enter the Username and Email. The new user is given full access and sent a new account email notification including their username and password. To specify additional settings, such as access level, or to block the email notification, enter the new user from the admin portal.

  • All admin users see the Team folders count and Manage button..

    Clicking Manage opens the Team Folders screen in the admin portal.

  • All admin users see the Shares count and Manage button.

    Clicking Manage opens the Manage User Shares screen in the admin portal.

You can only see information on the User view of the mini admin portal if you have an admin role with user permissions. 
If you have user permissions that don't include update user permission, you see a list of users with their maximum storage amounts. If you have add user permission, the Add User button appears.

FileCloud Admins: If mini admin create permission is not checked for the admin role, the admin user is not able to add the new user.

If you have user permissions that include update user permission, you also see the users' account types and the Reset Password and Manage User options.
Reset Password enables you to reset the password in a dialog box that opens here; Manage User takes you to the Manage Users screen in the admin portal.

You can only see information on the Customization view of the mini admin portal if you have an admin role with customize permissions. 
If you have read customization permission but not update customization permission, you see a view of what the user login screen looks like and a Go to full customization link that takes you the to Customizations screen in the full admin portal.

If you have read and update customization permissions, you also see controls for customizing your user interface. As you make changes, they appear on the image of the user login screen. 
For more information about using the controls, see Themes, Labels, and Logos.