Managing Admin Users

FileCloud enables you to create admin roles with a set of administrator permissions. Users assigned to any of the admin roles that you have created become admin users and have the permissions assigned to the role.

For information on about admin roles and admin users and instructions for setting them up, see Admin User and Role Settings.

Check an admin user's permissions

If an admin user has one role, the user has the permissions assigned to that role, but if an admin user has multiple roles, the user has the combined permissions of all of its roles. 

To check all of a user's permissions:

  1. Click Admins in the navigation panel.
  2. In the Manage Admin Roles screen, click Check user permissions.

    The User Effective Permissions dialog box opens.
    Initial User Effective Permissions dialog box
  3. In User, enter the name of the user.
    The dialog box displays the user's combined permissions with checks next to them.
    User Effective Permissions dialog box showing a user's permissions


The following permissions represent functions that admin users may be permitted to perform.

AlertAlert item on the admin interface is visible. Authorization to view and clear alerts in admin interface.
AuditAudit item on the admin interface is visible. Authorization to view, delete and export Audit Records.
ComplianceCompliance Dashboard on the admin interface is visible. Authorization to view and update compliance settings.
CustomizationCustomization item on the admin interface is visible. Authorization to customize the FileCloud interface.
Note: Admin users must have Customization > Update enabled to be able to change the user login background.
Device ManagementDevices item on the admin interface is visible. Authorization to view, create, delete and update Devices.
EncryptionAuthorization to manage all Encryption at Rest settings.
Federated SearchSupport to perform federated search through the admin interface.
FilesManage Files. Authorization to view, dreate, modify, download, and delete user files.
Folder PermissionsManage Folder Level Permissions. Authorization to view and manage Folder Permissions.
GroupsGroups menu item on the admin interface is visible. Authorization to view, create, modify and delete Groups. Manage group members. Import group members from Active Directory.
LocksView , create, and delete Locks on Files and Folders in FileCloud.
Manage AdministratorsAllows promoted admin users to manage the permissions of other promoted admin users.
MetadataView, create, update and delete metadata set definitions, attributes and permissions.
Network ShareNetwork Folders item on the admin interface is visible. Authorization to view, create, modify and delete Network Folders. Manage User and Group Access to Network Folders.
NotificationsNotifications menu item on the admin interface is available. Add, edit, update, and delete notification rules.
ReportsReports menu item on the admin interface is available. Add, execute, edit and delete reports.
RetentionRetention menu item on the admin interface is available. Add, edit, and delete retention policies.
Rich DashboardView rich dashboard view including tables and graphs on the admin UI dashboard.
SettingsSettings item on the admin interface is visible. Authorization to view and modify FileCloud Settings.
Smart ClassificationSmart Classification menu item on the admin interface is available. Add, update, run, and delete content classification rules.
Smart DLPSmart DLP menu item on the admin interface is available. Add, edit, and delete DLP rules.
SystemSystem item on the admin interface is visible. Authorization to run system checks, install check, generate logs and UPGRADE FileCloud to new version.
Team FoldersSet up Team Folders, add, edit, delete and manage team folder and corresponding permissions. Note: The corresponding Folder Permission must be enabled to be able to perform a Team Folder operation.
User ShareUser Shares item on the admin interface is visible. Authorization to view, create, modify and delete User Shares.
UsersUsers menu item on the admin interface is visible.  Authorization to view, create, modify and delete Users. Import New Users. Reset Password for Users.
WorkflowWorkflow menu item on the admin interface is visible. Add, edit and delete workflows on FileCloud.

Admin users can log in to the admin portal using either their username or email id. 

Remove an admin role

When you remove an admin role, you permanently delete it. To recreate it, you must create it, assign all permissions, and add users and groups again.

To remove an admin role:

  1. Click Admins in the navigation panel.
  2. Either
    • In the Manage Admin Roles screen, click the Delete button for the role.
    • Click Remove when you are prompted to confirm removal.


    • In the Manage Admin Roles screen, click the Edit button for the role.

      The Manage Admin Role dialog box opens.
    • Click Remove Role at the bottom of the dialog box.
      Removing a role
  3. Click Remove when you are prompted to confirm removal.