Installing FileCloud License On Multiple Sites
If you are an administrator of a multi-site installation and need to update the site license of all your sites, you can use the steps described below:
Installing a License on Specific Sites
To install a license on a subset of your sites:
Create a file named licenses.txt that lists the sites that you want to update in the format: Install the licenses.txt file into your backup folder:
Linux: /var/www/html/resources/backup
Windows: c:\xampp\htdocs\resources\backup - Copy the license.xml to the /resources/backup folder. Do not change its name.
In a command line enter:
For Windows:cd c:\xampp\htdocs\resources\backup PATH=%PATH%;C:\xampp\php
For Linux:
cd /var/www/html/resources/backup/
Then, enter:
For Windows:php licenseinstaller.php c:\xampp\htdocs\resources\backup\license.xml
For Linux:
The license is only applied to the sites listed in licenses.txt.php licenseinstaller.php /var/www/html/resources/backup/license.xml
Note: If licenses.txt is blank, the license is applied to all sites.