Make Files and Folders Available Offline

To use FileCloud Desktop for macOS to synchronize offline and online changes you make to FileCloud files and folders, first download the folders with contents that you want to synchronize. 

When you log in to FileCloud Desktop, your FileCloud folders become available in your Finder in a FileCloud folder:

To mark files and folders Available Offline:

  1. In your Finder, click the FileCloud folder. 
  2. Right-click on each folder with contents that you want to be able to synchronize, and choose Quick Actions > Make available offline

    FileCloud downloads the folders and their contents to your local drive (and moves them into its offline folder), and replaces the cloud icon with a green icon to indicate that they are available for synchronization with FileCloud Desktop. 
    Note: If you click Download Now next to a file or folder you can edit it offline, but it is not in a FileCloud offline folder, and its changes aren't synced with FileCloud. Files downloaded with Download Now do not display an icon (neither the cloud icon nor the green icon) next to them. You are still able to choose Make available offline for the folder to put it into an FileCloud offline folder that will sync with FileCloud.

    FileCloud Desktop's dashboard shows you the progress of the files being downloaded on the Live tab. These disappear as soon as download is complete.

    On the Activity tab, FileCloud Desktop shows you the download actions for the same files. 

    The Offline tab shows you the folders that you have just made available offline: