Delete Local Folders Removed From Selective Sync
The deletelocallysyncedfolder setting is available in FileCloud version 22.1 and later.
By default, when a user removes a FileCloud file from selective sync, the file is not deleted from the local drive. To offer the user the option of deleting a file from the local drive when the user removes it from selective sync, add the deletelocallysyncedfolder setting to the Sync configuration file, syncclientconfig.xml, and set it to 1.
To enable users to delete local folders removed from selective sync:
- Stop the FileCloud Sync App.
- Open the syncclientconfig.xml file.
Windows location: %APPDATA%\FileCloudSync\syncclientconfig.xml
Mac OSX location: {HomeDir}\FileCloudSync\syncclientconfig.xml
Linux location: {HomeDir}\FileCloudSync\syncclientconfig.xml Add the following setting:
<rowentry> <name>deletelocallysyncedfolder</name> <type>bool</type> <value>1</value> </rowentry>
- Restart FileCloud Sync.
When a user removes a file from selective Sync, this message appears:
After the user clicks Yes, the following message appears:
If the user clicks Yes, the folder is deleted locally.