Settings Screen Options




Account Settings


Displays the address of the FileCloud Server you are syncing with, and the user account whose permissions are being applied to the ServerSync operations.

Clicking Edit opens the Log In screen so that you can enter new or updated server and account connection information.


Server Folders


Opens a Settings dialog window so you can choose what folders to sync.

This tabbed Settings window also contains a tab for Advanced settings.

Read more about how to Synchronize Folders


Import Permissions


Opens an Import Permissions window so that you can import NTFS permissions on the folders which have Permission sync enabled.
  • Only folders that are currently configured to be synchronized will get a permission sync
  • When initially selecting a folder to sync, you can select the Sync Permissions checkbox to enable this feature

Read more about Synchronizing Folders


Other Settings


Opens a Settings dialog window so you can set Advanced settings, such as:

  • Using an HTTP Proxy Server
  • Enabling Active Sync Hours
  • Set the Sync Frequency
  • Disable Notifications
  • Allow Remote Management
  • Controlling bandwidth use

This tabbed Settings window also contains a tab for Folder settings.


Other Settings

Reset data without Logout

Clears the synchronization state information in ServerSync, resets all the internal configuration data, but does not log you out of ServerSync. 

  • This forces the sync state to be re-created again from the server.
  • No files in the ServerSync folder are deleted or affected.
  • If the file already exists locally it will not be re-downloaded.

Other Settings

Logout & Reset

Clears the synchronization state information in ServerSync, resets all the internal configuration data, and logs you out of ServerSync. 

  • This forces the sync state to be re-created again from the server.
  • No files in the ServerSync folder are deleted or affected.
  • If the file already exists locally it will not be re-downloaded.

After clicking this, you will be shown the Log In window so that you can log in again.