
October 22, 2020

Patch 20.2.2 fixes these issues.
Critical Update 
S3 and Azure UploadsCL-7433An issue introduced in the Oct 21, 2020 release caused potential data loss for uploaded files larger than 20MB with S3 or Azure as the managed storage backend. This has been fixed.
Server2FACL-7370A new setting has been added to handle settings for 2FA when a user is promoted to Admin, and 2FA is enabled for Admins. If the setting is not enabled, the 2FA method  set for the user account is used for the Admin account. If the setting is enabled, the 2FA method set for administrator's is used for the Admin account. See Managing Admin Users.
ServerADCL-7424A problem preventing the AD group Automatic Sync Option and Group Name from being saved has been fixed.
ServerADCL-7418In AD, if a user had a mixed case username, email login was not working. This has been fixed.
ServerCloudupdate ToolCL-7432An issue causing the Cloudupdate tool to overwrite the SimpleSAML config file has been fixed.
ServerDownloadCL-7386A problem causing a delay when a publicly shared file is downloaded has been fixed.
ServerEmailCL-7422An issue preventing emails processed from the backend queue from being sent has been fixed.
ServerLoggingCL-7439A problem preventing logs from being written to custom paths has been fixed.
ServerNetwork FoldersCL-7423A problem causing large file downloads from Network Shares has been fixed.
ServerNetwork FoldersCL-7391An issue preventing Network Folders from appearing in the new user interface has been fixed. 
ServerRecaptchaCL-7377A problem causing Recaptcha to fail when 2fa is enabled has been fixed.
ServerS3CL-7422An issue causing downloads from sites using Digital Ocean S3 to fail has been fixed.
ServerSalesforceCL-5841FileCloud has been integrated with Salesforce. 
ServerSharesCL-7367A problem preventing shares to new limited users when a license quota is fully used has been fixed.
ServerTranslationsCL-7396The Russian translation file has been updated and contains translations.
ServerTranslationsCL-7397A problem causing the Russian translation file to work incorrectly in the new UI has been fixed.
ServerTranslationsCL-7408A problem with the Dutch translation file has been fixed.
ServerTranslationsCL-7454"Forgot Password" was not being translated; this has been fixed.
ServerUser importCL-7477User import with CSV files was failing when status and verified values were not set. This has been fixed.
ServerUser portal interfaceCL-7360A problem causing the system to ignore the setting for hiding the account summary has been fixed.
ServerUser portal interfaceCL-7407An issue causing folders with a # in the display name to appear as empty (and without the portion of the display name following #) has been fixed.
ServerUsersCL-7413An issue causing FileCloud to omit portions of Display Names that follow a space when importing users by csv file has been fixed.
ServerVideo FilesCL-7372When single file share previews were enabled, shared video files were not playing in previews for both the old and new ui's, but this has been fixed.
Outlook Add-inOutlookCL-6326The version number is now displayed during Outlook Add-in installation.