To setup SSL with Solr requires:
- Private or self-signed SSL certificates
- A working Solr installation
Option 1: To configure SSL using private certificates:
- Combine the SSL certificate, intermediate certificates and root CA certificate (if any) into one file
cat server.crt <(echo) server-ca.crt <(echo) root-ca.crt > server-chain.crt
It is required to put the server certificate file first, and then if applicable, the intermediate certificate file(s) ending with the root CA certificate file
- Combine the private key and the above created certificate chain file into a PKCS12 format file to load into a new keystore. Enter a password when OpenSSL asks for an export password.
openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey server.key -in server-chain.crt -out server.pkcs12
- Load the resulting PKCS12 file into a JSSE keystore. The keystore file should ideally be stored in "server/etc" folder under solr installation directory. Enter the export password for source password and a destination password.
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore server.pkcs12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -destkeystore /opt/solr-7.6.0/server/etc/keystore.jks
- Add/Modify as required the following properties into the file /etc/default/ Replace key store password and trust store password below with the destination password provided above.
# Enables HTTPS. It is implicitly true if you set SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE. Use this config # to enable https module with custom jetty configuration. SOLR_SSL_ENABLED=true # Be sure to update the paths to the correct keystore for your environment SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE=etc/keystore.jks SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD=secret SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE=etc/keystore.jks SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD=secret # Require clients to authenticate SOLR_SSL_NEED_CLIENT_AUTH=false # Enable clients to authenticate (but not require) SOLR_SSL_WANT_CLIENT_AUTH=false # SSL Certificates contain host/ip "peer name" information that is validated by default. Setting # this to false can be useful to disable these checks when re-using a certificate on many hosts SOLR_SSL_CHECK_PEER_NAME=true # Override Key/Trust Store types if necessary SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE_TYPE=JKS SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE_TYPE=JKS
- Restart Solr
service solr restart
Option 2: To configure SSL using self-signed certificates:
- Create a self-signed keystore file. Replace <private-ip> with the private IP of machine running Solr in -ext parameter (Example: IP: Enter a keystore password and key password when prompted.
keytool -genkeypair -alias solr-ssl -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 9999 -keystore /opt/solr-7.6.0/server/etc/solr-ssl.keystore.jks -ext SAN=DNS:localhost,IP:<private-ip>,IP: -dname "CN=localhost, OU=Organizational Unit, O=Organization, L=Location, ST=State, C=Country"
- Add/Modify as required the following properties into the file /etc/default/ Replace key store password and trust store password below with the keystore password provided above.
# Enables HTTPS. It is implictly true if you set SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE. Use this config # to enable https module with custom jetty configuration. SOLR_SSL_ENABLED=true # Be sure to update the paths to the correct keystore for your environment SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE=etc/solr-ssl.keystore.jks SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD=secret SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE=etc/solr-ssl.keystore.jks SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD=secret # Require clients to authenticate SOLR_SSL_NEED_CLIENT_AUTH=false # Enable clients to authenticate (but not require) SOLR_SSL_WANT_CLIENT_AUTH=false # SSL Certificates contain host/ip "peer name" information that is validated by default. Setting # this to false can be useful to disable these checks when re-using a certificate on many hosts SOLR_SSL_CHECK_PEER_NAME=true # Override Key/Trust Store types if necessary SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE_TYPE=JKS SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE_TYPE=JKS
- Turn off verification for Solr's SSL certificate:
- Open the cloudconfig.php file
Windows Location: XAMPP DIRECTORY/htdocs/config/cloudconfig.php
Linux Location: /var/www/html/config/cloudconfig.php - Add the setting:
- Save your change.
- Open the cloudconfig.php file
- Restart Solr.
service solr restart