Enabling Document Converter and Thumbs

Administrators can enable thumbs for all office documents (DOC, DOCX, PDF, PPT, PPTX etc.,).

(lightbulb)  A thumb, also known as a thumbnail file, contains a small JPEG icon representing the application that created the document or the document type.

To display thumbnails, FileCloud uses a document converter server.

Before enabling the use of thumbnails you must:

Install and Run FileCloud Document Converter Server

Note: FileCloud always displays thumbs for graphic files (jpg, png, ...) regardless of this setting.

To enable thumbnails for a document in FileCloud:

  1. In the admin portal, go to Settings > Misc > Preview.
  2. Check Enable Document Converter.
  3. Check Enable Document Thumb.

    Now when a user logs on to the User Portal, the file listing will show the thumbnail: