Installation and Configuration of FileCloud in Webservers

Installation and Configuration of FileCloud in Webservers

Install FileCloud in webserver nodes using the script below:

dnf module disable httpd -y 
dnf module disable php -y

cat <<EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/filecloud-23.1.repo 
name=FileCloud 23.1 

cat <<EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb-org-6.0.repo 
name=MongoDB Repository 

yum update -y 
yum install yum-utils -y 
yum-config-manager --enable filecloud-23.1 

ACCEPT_EULA=Y yum install filecloud -y  

Configuring FileCloud With MongoDB Cluster

After MongoDB cluster is installed and configured, use the following steps to configure FileCloud to use this cluster as its database.

  1. If the app servers are different from DB servers, install the app server portion (Apache web server) of FileCloud on the app server nodes, using the latest FileCloud server installer. If they are collocated, proceed to the next step.
  2. Open the file /var/www/html/config/cloudconfig.php.

    // ... Cloud Database define("TONIDOCLOUD_DBSERVER", "mongodb://dbuser:passw0rd@hostname of Mongo1,hostname of Mongo2,hostname of Mongo3/?replicaSet=rs0&connectTimeoutMS=1000");
    // ... Audit Database define("TONIDOCLOUD_AUDIT_DBSERVER", "mongodb://dbuser:passw0rd@hostname of Mongo1,hostname of Mongo2,hostname of Mongo3/?replicaSet=rs0&connectTimeoutMS=1000");
    // … Settings Database define("TONIDOCLOUD_SETTINGS_DBSERVER", "mongodb://dbuser:passw0rd@hostname of Mongo1,hostname of Mongo2,hostname of Mongo3/?replicaSet=rs0&connectTimeoutMS=1000");


  3. Edit /var/www/html/config/localstorageconfig.php, and add/replace the following keys:

    define("TONIDO_LOCALSTORAGE_DBSERVER", ""mongodb://dbuser:passw0rd@hostname of Mongo1,hostname of Mongo2,hostname of Mongo3/?replicaSet=rs0&connectTimeoutMS=1000"");

FC Push Service Configuration

In FileCloud version 23.1, a Push Service has been added to allow clients (in particular, FileCloud Desktop) to receive server-initiated notifications (for example, file upload, share).

  1. Open and edit the .env file from path: /opt/fcpushservice/

    vi /opt/fcpushservice/.env
  2. Update the MongoDB connection string:

    FCPS_DB_DSN=mongodb://dbuser:passw0rd1@ dbserver01, dbserver02, dbserver03:27017
  3. Restart the fcpushservice.

    systemctl restart fcpushservice