Secure Web Viewer for DRM

The Secure Web Viewer (Beta version) is available in FileCloud versions 23.232 and later.
Note: The Secure Web Viewer is not included with some licenses, such as the FileCloud Community Edition license and the FileCloud Essentials license.

Users have the ability to publicly share certain file types (jpg, png, pdf, docx, and pptx) with the protection of digital rights management (DRM) by requiring them to be viewed through FileCloud's Secure Web Viewer. The Secure Web Viewer requires share recipients to enter a password to view the share, and may limit access in other ways, such as only permitting small portions of the file to be viewed at a time. 

FileCloud's Secure Web Viewer for viewing securely shared files is not the same as FileCloud's Secure Document Viewer for viewing securely exported files. The Secure Document Viewer is a stand-alone app, while the Secure Web Viewer is web-based, and open to further refinement based on user input.

Only files of 20MB or less can be viewed through the Secure Web Viewer. 

For more information about how a Secure Web Viewer share is created, see Public Share Options for Files.
For more information about how the Secure Web Viewer functions, see Using the Secure Web Viewer.

File viewed through the Secure Web Viewer with limited view (partial file viewing) enabled.

The Secure Web Viewer option

When Enable WebDRM is enabled, an option for creating shares that must be viewed through the Secure Web Viewer is available in the Share link dialog box for jpg, png, pdf, docx, and pptx files of 20 MB or less. For other file types and files greater than 20 MB, the option appears disabled.

To disable/re-enable use of the Secure Web Viewer option:

  1. In the admin portal, go to Settings > Misc > General.
  2. Scroll down to the setting Enable WebDRM.
  3. Uncheck the box to disable it or check to box to re-enable it.
  4. Click Save.