Adding Metadata

Color tag metadata is available beginning with FileCloud 20.3. See Color Tag Metadata.

Assigning metadata sets metadata attribute values to multiple files/folders is available beginning in FileCloud 21.3.

Beginning in FileCloud Version 21.3, file metadata is versioned along with the file, so that when you restore a previous version, you restore the metadata associated with that previous version.   In files versioned prior to 21.3, only the most recent metadata was maintained, so that if you restore a previous version, the metadata shows the values entered most recently.

You can provide additional information about files and folders available in FileCloud Server using metadata.

FileCloud metadata includes the following components:

  1. Attributes - single pieces of information that a user specifies for a file or folder.
  2. Metadata set - a group of related attributes with additional properties and settings. A container for attributes.

Metadata enables you to search for files with certain attribute values. For more information, see Metadata Search.

About metadata

Figure 1. Metadata Terms



Metadata Set


Information about the file data.

Describes files and folders available in the system.

A single piece of information that describes the file object.

In FileCloud, attributes are defined as a part of the metadata set.

A set of metadata attributes that might be logically grouped and can be added as a single entity to files or folders.

An attribute type that allows users to provide multiple keywords for a file or folder.

For example:

  • Lives in the Human Resources Folder
  • Has a created date
  • Has a modified date

For example:

  • the candidate's photo in their resume

For example, each resume file has a metadata set that includes the attributes:

    • Photo
    • Name
    • Address
    • Experience
    • Education
    • Keywords

For example:

HR wants to give a resume file the keywords:

  • Candidate
  • New Hire
  • OnBoarding

In your system, certain metadata sets may automatically be added to folders and files when you create or upload them. Other metadata sets may be available for you to add to files and folders.

The following rules apply to all files and folders and their metadata when you perform an operation:

a new file or folder is createdAny automatically applied metadata sets are added to it with all attribute values populated with default values defined
a new file or folder is uploadedAny automatically applied metadata sets are added to it with all attribute values populated with default values defined
a file or folder is copiedMetadata values are not copied. Any automatically applied metadata sets with default values are added to the new file object.
a file or folder is movedAssociated metadata values are also moved. The metadata points to the original file or folder during its lifetime.
a file or folder is renamedAssociated metadata values are also renamed. The metadata points to the original file or folder during its lifetime.
a file is removed and moved to Deleted FilesThe associated metadata values are updated so they point to the file in Deleted Files
a file is permanently removed from FileCloud ServerThe associated metadata values are removed as well.

Your administrator must grant you permission before you can see the Metadata tab.

Your administrator can grant the following types of permissions:

  • Write access - you can add and remove metadata sets to files and folders, and edit their values.
  • Read access - you can only view values of the already associated metadata sets.

Viewing metadata

Metadata appears in the right panel for the selected file(s) or folder(s) when you click the Metadata tab. When multiple files or folders are selected, only metadata sets and metadata values that are set for all of them appear in the right panel.
The Metadata tab displays the following:-

  • metadata sets that are currently added to the selected file(s) or folder(s).
  • a list of any additional metadata sets that can be added to the file(s) or folder(s).
  • a list of added metadata sets with corresponding attribute values.

Note: Currently Color Tag metadata does not appear in the right panel.

Adding metadata 

To add a metadata set to a file or folder:

  1. Select the file or folder.
  2. In the right panel, click the Metadata tab.
  3. In Add Metadata, Select one of the available metadata sets. Note: The metadata set must not already be added.
  4. Click Add.
  5. The newly added metadata set with corresponding attributes is displayed.
  6. Enter new values for the attributes.

To edit the values of attributes:

  1. Select the file or folder.
  2. In the right panel, click the Metadata tab.
  3. Expand the attribute set.
  4. Modify any of the values.

To remove the metadata set from the file/folder:

  1. Click the x next to the metadata set name.

    A confirmation appears:

  2. Click Remove.
    The metadata set is removed from the file or folder.

Play the video to view the procedure for adding a metadata set and attribute values.

To add a metadata set to multiple files and folders:

  1. Select the files or folders.
  2. In the right panel, click the Metadata tab.
    Regardless of whether metadata sets have already been assigned to all of the files/folders selected, the metadata sets available for all of them collectively appear in the Add Metadata drop-down list.

  3. In Add Metadata, select one of the available metadata sets. 
  4. Click Add.
    The metadata set appears below the Add Metadata drop-down list with all metadata attribute values blank or set to their defaults. 

    The metadata is added to the selected files/folders that do not have the metadata set assigned to them already.
  5. Add or change values of one or more of the attributes.
  6. Click Save.
    The values for the metadata attributes are saved for all selected files/folders.
    (If you click Save without changing any of the values of the attributes, selected files/folders that already have the metadata set assigned to them maintain whatever values they already have for the attributes.)
    Note: If you uncheck the files/folders and recheck them again, all of the metadata sets appear in the Add Metadata drop-down list, including those you have assigned collectively to all them. If you add the metadata set again, the attributes appear with blank or default values whether or not the individual files/folders contain values for those fields.

Using tag attributes

Tag attributes

Tag attributes allows users to provide multiple values for a single attribute. This is useful for providing keywords for searching on files.  For example, if you had an archive of photos that you want users to be able to search through, you could add a tag attribute for adding keywords describing each photo's colors, backgrounds, and subjects.

Tag values are entered in an editor that appears as a single text field, but can be used to enter multiple text fields. When you enter a string and click Enter (or enter a series of strings separated by commas and click Enter), the new value(s) appear below the control. Each value is a tag. Individual tags can be removed by pressing the x that appears on them. 

In the following image, a user has added the keywords water and sky for a photo of a beach, and is now entering the keyword blue.

Play the video to view the procedure for adding keywords to a tag attribute.