Configuring Zip Files and Zero Trust File Sharing

Beginning with FileCloud 23.241, zip files are enabled by default. Prior to FileCloud 23.241, zip files were disabled by default.
Functionality for creating and working with content in zip files in My Files is available beginning with FileCloud 22.1.
Functionality for creating and working with content in zip files in Network Shares is available beginning with FileCloud 23.232.

If you use encrypted storage and have zip files enabled, FileCloud creates temporary unencrypted copies of the files when performing actions on them. These files are only present briefly; however, if you want to avoid having the unencrypted data on your system, disable zip files. See To enable and disable the zip file feature, below.

Users can create and upload zip files into their My Files and Network Shares folders, and then preview, download, add, and delete contents of these zip files. 

When users create zip files within FileCloud, they may add a password to them to create them as encrypted Zero Trust folders The password (decryption key) must be entered by the user who created the zip file or anyone they share the file with to access it. Note that the decryption key is not stored in FileCloud or known by the FileCloud system, and therefore makes the file invulnerable to attacks where the system is compromised.

For information about how users add and work with zip files, see Working with Zip Files.

By default, after the password is entered the first time during a log-in session, it does not have to be entered again during that session, but a setting in policies enables you to require users to enter the password each time they access it during a session.

To disable or re-enable the zip file feature

By default, the zip file feature described above is enabled. To make it unavailable to users, disable it in the FileCloud configuration file.

  1. Open cloudconfig.php at

    • Windows: XAMPP DIRECTORY\htdocs\config\cloudconfig.php

    • Linux: /var/www/config/cloudconfig.php

  2. Locate the setting:

  3. Change the value of TONIDOCLOUD_ZIP_FOLDER_ENABLE from true to false:


    The zip feature is now disabled for users. To re-enable it, change the value for TONIDOCLOUD_ZIP_FOLDER_ENABLE back to true.

Zip File Settings

The following are default settings for zip files. These may be modified in the FileCloud configuration file.

SettingDefault value
Encryption methodWinZip AES-256
Compression level Normal
Compression methodDeflated
Fallback character set None
Max zip file size100 MB

WinZip AES-256 encryption is not supported by default in Windows. To enable use of Windows' default decryption method, change the encryption method to PKWARE, as shown in To change the encryption method, below.

To open the configuration file:

  1. Open cloudconfig.php at

    • Windows: XAMPP DIRECTORY\htdocs\config\cloudconfig.php

    • Linux: /var/www/config/cloudconfig.php

  2. Use the following steps to change any of the settings:

To change the encryption method:

    1. Locate the setting:

    2. Change the value to one of the following:

      1 (default)WinZip AES-256

      Note: WinZip AES256 encryption works in Windows only with 7-Zip, winRAR, and WinZip third party compression software. Use PKWARE as an alternative.
      2WinZip AES-128
      3WinZip AES-192

To change the compression level:

    1. Locate the setting.

    2. Change the value to one of the following:

      1Super fast
      5 (default)Normal

To change the compression method:

    1. Locate the setting.

    2. Change the value to one of the following:

      8 (default)Deflated

To change the fallback character set:

    1. Locate the setting.

    2. Change the value to one of the following:


To change the max file size:

    1. Locate the setting:


      The value is given in MB.

    2. You can change the value to any number, but the maximum size of zip files supported in FileCloud is 4 GB (4000 MB) so any value higher than 4000 defaults to a maximum file size of 4000 MB.

To require the password each time an encrypted zip file is accessed:

  1. In the admin portal, go to Settings > Policies, and open the policy you want to change.
  2. Click the User Policy tab:
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the tab.
    By default Save Zip File Session Password is set to Yes. This enables users to enter the password once per log-in session to access the contents of the zip file.
  4. Change the value of Save Zip File Session Password to No.
  5. Click Save.
    Now users must enter the password each time they access the contents of the zip file.

Permissions in shared zip files

When a zip file is shared publicly, share users can view the contents of the zip file and download them. When a zip file is shared privately, the operations that share users can perform on its contents depends on their share permissions.

The following table shows what each share permission allows share users to do with the contents of a zip file

ViewPreview files and open folders in the zip file.
DownloadDownload files in the zip file and save them. Downloading folders in the zip file is not permitted.
UploadUpload files into the zip file and delete files in the zip file.
ShareShare the zip file. Sharing of files and folders inside the zip file is not permitted.