Web Editing with OnlyOffice

For OnlyOffice integration to be effective, the OnlyOffice URL must be accessible over HTTPS with a valid SSL certificate and chain certificate.

FileCloud supports web based document editing using OnlyOffice. The following procedures assume you have already installed OnlyOffice.

Configuring FileCloud with OnlyOffice

  1. Open In the FileCloud Admin portal, go to Settings > Web Edit.
  2. In WOPI Client Type, choose Only Office.
    The screen displays OnlyOffice settings.
  3. Enter the Only Office Host and Only Office Secret Key.
  4. To preview as well as edit supported file types in OnlyOffice, check Only Office Preview.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Add the OnlyOffice Server to the Content Security Policy in the .htaccess file.
    1. Open the .htacess file:
      Windows: C:\xampp\htdocs\.htaccess
      Linux: /var/www/html/.htaccess
    2. Find the line: Header set Content-Security-Policy, and add your url without http or https, for example youronlyoffice.serveraddress.com to the url's listed for script-src and frame-src:
    3. Save your changes.
      Now users can Web edit with OnlyOffice.