File System Errors |
Code | What it means | How to Fix it |
01401 cannot rename file | Conditions that would stop you from renaming a file include: - An invalid path to the file's location
- An invalid file name
- File names cannot contain: ..\/:*?\"<>|"
- An invalid file extension is being used
- For security purposes, administrators can set restrictions on which file extensions can be used and which cannot
- The file is locked
- The file you are trying to rename has been deleted
- Another file already exists with that name
- A property is set that does not allow you to replace another file on rename
- You are trying to rename a folder on an Amazon S3 network share, and the function is not supported.
- There's no rename bucket functionality for S3 because there are technically no folders in S3.
| - Verify the path to the file you are trying to rename does exist
- Verify the file name is spelled correctly
- Choose another name
- Make sure there are no invalid characters in the name
- You cannot rename a file if another file with the same name already exists.
- Check if the file type is being restricted by clicking Restricting File Extensions
- Unlock the file
- If you are using an Amazon S3 network share, create a new bucket and then copy files over
01402 cannot move file | Conditions that would stop you from moving a file include: - An invalid path to the file's location
- An invalid path to the file's new location
- The file is locked
- The file you are trying to move has been deleted
- Another file already exists with that name
- A property is set that does not allow you to replace another file on rename
- Share Size Limit Exceeded
- User Size Limit Exceeded
| - Verify the path to the file you are trying to move does exist
- Verify the file name is spelled correctly
- Choose another name. You cannot rename a file if another file with the same name already exists.
- Unlock the file
- Check to see if you have enough storage space to copy the file to another folder
01403 cannot copy file | Conditions that would stop you from copying a file include: - An invalid path to the file's current location
- An invalid path to the file's new location
- The file you are trying to move has been deleted
- Another file already exists with that name
- A property is set that does not allow you to replace another file on rename
- Share Size Limit Exceeded
- User Size Limit Exceeded
| - Verify the path to the file you are trying to move does exist
- Verify the file name is spelled correctly
- Choose another name. You cannot rename a file if another file with the same name already exists.
- Check to see if you have enough storage space to copy the file to another folder
01404 cannot delete file | Conditions that would stop you from deleting a file include: - An invalid path to the file's location
- The file is locked
- Versioning or making a current live version is interfering with the deletion
| - Verify the path to the file you are trying to move does exist
- Verify the file name is spelled correctly
- Unlock the file
01405 cannot encrypt file | Conditions that would stop you from encrypting a file include: - The file key was entered incorrectly
- The file is locked
- The file does not exist
| - Verify the file key is correct
- Unlock the file
- Verify the file exists and can be opened
01406 cannot decrypt file | Conditions that would stop you from decrypting a file include: - No password was specified
- The wrong password was specified
- The file does not exist
If not resolved, the file remains encrypted.
| - Verify the password is specified and is correct
- Verify the file exists and can be opened
01407 cannot delete unencrypted file | Conditions that would stop you from deleting a file include: - An invalid path to the file's location
- The file is locked
- Versioning or making a current live version is interfering with the deletion
| - Verify the path to the file you are trying to move does exist
- Verify the file name is spelled correctly
- Unlock the file
01408 cannot append to file | Errors when adding data to an existing file can be caused by: - An invalid path to the file's location
- An invalid file name
- File names cannot contain: ..\/:*?\"<>|"
- An invalid file extension is being used
- For security purposes, administrators can set restrictions on which file extensions can be used and which cannot
- The file is locked
- The file you are trying to append has been deleted
- Share Size Limit Exceeded
- User Size Limit Exceeded
| - Verify the path to the file you are trying to append does exist
- Verify the file name is spelled correctly
- Choose another name
- Make sure there are no invalid characters in the name
- You cannot rename a file if another file with the same name already exists.
- Check if the file type is being restricted by clicking Restricting File Extensions
- Unlock the file
- Check to see if you have enough storage space to add data to the file
01409 cannot write to file | Errors when adding data to an existing file can be caused by: - An invalid path to the file's location
- An invalid file name
- File names cannot contain: ..\/:*?\"<>|"
- An invalid file extension is being used
- For security purposes, administrators can set restrictions on which file extensions can be used and which cannot
- The file is locked
- The file you are trying to append has been deleted
- Share Size Limit Exceeded
- User Size Limit Exceeded
| - Verify the path to the file you are trying to append does exist
- Verify the file name is spelled correctly
- Choose another name
- Make sure there are no invalid characters in the name
- You cannot rename a file if another file with the same name already exists.
- Check if the file type is being restricted by clicking Restricting File Extensions
- Unlock the file
- Check to see if you have enough storage space to add data to the file
01410 file already exists | Another file already exists with that name- A property is set that does not allow you to replace another file on rename
| Choose another name. You cannot rename a file if another file with the same name already exists. |
01411 file doesn't exist | Errors when accessing a file can be caused by: - An invalid path to the file's location
- An invalid file name
- File names cannot contain: ..\/:*?\"<>|"
- An invalid file extension is being used
- For security purposes, administrators can set restrictions on which file extensions can be used and which cannot
- The file you are trying to access has been deleted
| - Verify the path to the file you are trying to append does exist
- Verify the file exists and the name is spelled correctly
- Check if the file type is being restricted by clicking Restricting File Extensions
01412 invalid file name - invalid characters found | An invalid file name- File names cannot contain: ..\/:*?\"<>|"
| Change the file name so that it does contain invalid characters |
01413 invalid file extension - not permitted | An invalid file extension is being used- For security purposes, administrators can set restrictions on which file extensions can be used and which cannot
| Check if the file type is being restricted by clicking Restricting File Extensions |
01414 cannot move or rename file | Conditions that would stop you from renaming or moving a file include: - An invalid path to the file's location
- An invalid file name
- File names cannot contain: ..\/:*?\"<>|"
- An invalid file extension is being used
- For security purposes, administrators can set restrictions on which file extensions can be used and which cannot
- The file is locked
- The file you are trying to rename has been deleted
- Another file already exists with that name
- A property is set that does not allow you to replace another file on rename
- You are trying to rename a folder on an Amazon S3 network share, and the function is not supported.
- There's no rename bucket functionality for S3 because there are technically no folders in S3.
- Share Size Limit Exceeded
- User Size Limit Exceeded
| - Verify the path to the file you are trying to rename does exist
- Verify the file name is spelled correctly
- Choose another name
- Make sure there are no invalid characters in the name
- You cannot rename a file if another file with the same name already exists.
- Check if the file type is being restricted by clicking Restricting File Extensions
- Unlock the file
- If you are using an Amazon S3 network share, create a new bucket and then copy files over
- Check to see if you have enough storage space to move the file
01415 cannot upload file | Conditions that would stop you from uploading a file include: - An invalid path to the file's location
- An invalid file name
- File names cannot contain: ..\/:*?\"<>|"
- An invalid file extension is being used
- For security purposes, administrators can set restrictions on which file extensions can be used and which cannot
- The physical location of the file is not available, such as a network folder
- The file you are trying to upload has been deleted
- Another file already exists with that name
- A property is set that does not allow you to replace another file on rename
- Share Size Limit Exceeded
- User Size Limit Exceeded
| - Verify the path to the file you are trying to upload does exist
- Verify the file name is spelled correctly
- Check if the file type is being restricted by clicking Restricting File Extensions
- Choose another name
- Make sure there are no invalid characters in the name
- You cannot rename a file if another file with the same name already exists.
- Verify that the file's location is available (network folders)
- Check to see if you have enough storage space to upload the file
01416 cannot download file | Conditions that would stop you from downloading a file include: - An invalid path to the file's location
- An invalid file name
- File names cannot contain: ..\/:*?\"<>|"
- An invalid file extension is being used
- For security purposes, administrators can set restrictions on which file extensions can be used and which cannot
- The physical location of the file is not available, such as a network folder
- The file you are trying to download has been deleted
- You do not have enough space locally
| - Verify the path to the file you are trying to download does exist
- Verify the file name is spelled correctly
- Check if the file type is being restricted by clicking Restricting File Extensions
- Choose another name
- Make sure there are no invalid characters in the name
- You cannot rename a file if another file with the same name already exists.
- Verify that the file's location is available (network folders)
- Check to see if you have enough storage space to download the file
01417 download is not permitted for this agent | An agent refers to the device requesting the file. - the Sync client
- the Drive client
- Mobile Apps
| Change the settings in these clients and apps to allow the file to be downloaded FileCloud Sync
FileCloud Drive
Mobile App Access
01418 file size exceeds limit | There are several places where file size limits can be set in FileCloud: - Administrators can manage the storage space allotted to a user account or a group of users through Policies.
- FileCloud Sync, Drive, and MacDrive set a limit on the size of the files you can download to 30MB by default.
| Administrators can increase the allotted storage size: Change the Storage Quota for a User or Group
Users can change the download size restrictions: FileCloud Sync
FileCloud Drive
01419 file location or name not set | This error message occurs when trying to upload a document. Some of the required information is missing or invalid, such as: - An invalid path to the file's location
- An invalid file name
- File names cannot contain: ..\/:*?\"<>|"
- An invalid file extension is being used
- For security purposes, administrators can set restrictions on which file extensions can be used and which cannot
- The physical location of the file is not available, such as a network folder
- The file has been deleted
| - Verify the path to the file you are trying to download does exist
- Verify the file name is spelled correctly
- Check if the file type is being restricted by clicking Restricting File Extensions
- Make sure there are no invalid characters in the name
- Verify that the file's location is available (network folders)
01420 cannot upload multi-part file | Mutli-part is a method of uploading chunks of a large file. - The chunks are built into large files after receiving all the chunks
The conditions that can cause this error include: - Not enough storage space for the large file
- Not enough RAM or available memory to process the file chunks on the server running FileCloud
| - Check to see if you have enough storage space for the file
- Check your server to see if it is running out of RAM or available memory
01421 cannot continue uploading multi-part file | Mutli-part is a method of uploading chunks of a large file. - The chunks are built into large files after receiving all the chunks
The conditions that can cause this error include: - Not enough storage space for the large file
- Not enough RAM or available memory to process the file chunks on the server running FileCloud
- The physical location of the file is not available, such as a network folder
- The file has been deleted
| - Check to see if you have enough storage space for the file
- Check your server to see if it is running out of RAM or available memory
- Verify that the file's location is available (network folders)
- Verify the large file still exists
01422 cannot add file (db entry) |
01423 file is locked |
01424 cannot upload (file) chunk to server |
01425 unable to delete partially uploaded files |
01426 unable to delete temp files | The temp files are being used by any open programs. |
01427 cannot read from stream |
01428 cannot write to stream |
01429 cannot flush stream |
01430 invalid stream |
01431 invalid/bad path |
01432 empty path |
01433 path doesn't exist |
01434 invalid permissions |
01435 path too long - exceeds 255 chars |
01436 no write permission |
01437 cannot get search results |
01438 path is not specified |
01439 cannot translate path |
01440 cannot create folder |
01441 cannot delete folder |
01442 cannot access folder |
01443 cannot access temp folder |
01444 cannot create cache folder |
01445 cannot create temp folder |
01446 cannot create backup folder |
01447 cannot get file listing for folder |
01448 cannot share network folder - not allowed |
01449 folder already exists |
01450 folder is invalid |
01451 cannot add folder (db entry) |
01452 cannot move folder contents |
01453 cannot copy folder |
01454 unable to find folder |
01455 folder name contains invalid characters |
01456 entry doesn't exist |
01457 cannot write to log file |
01458 cannot delete log file |
01459 filename is not utf8 normalized |
01460 apache log file is too big. manual cleanup recommended |
01461 cannot obtain real path |
01462 cannot create file |
01463 unknown path type |
01464 cannot save search results |
01465 user is not permitted to access path |
01466 unable to map file id to path |
01467 path is invalid for user |
01468 cannot update path map |
01469 cannot unzip archive |
01470 cannot access path |
01471 download permission required |
01472 upload permission required |
01473 sync not allowed |
01474 team folder share not permitted |
01475 download and upload permission required |
01476 direct link is allowed only for private shared folders |
01477 search string is empty |
01478 search scope is invalid |
01479 delete not allowed |