FileCloud Server 21.3 Release Notes

Version     New installation: Installing FileCloud Server         Upgrade Notes for FileCloud 21.3    Note: A full system upgrade is required for all existing installations.


Jan 2022 ver 21.3

Sep 2021 ver 21.2

May 2021 vers. 21.1

Dec 2020  vers. 20.3

Sep 2020  vers. 20.2

May 2020  vers. 20.1

Dec 2019  vers. 19.3

Sep 2019  vers. 19.2

Apr 2019   vers. 19.1

Sep 2018  vers. 18.2

May 2018  vers. 18.1

Latest MD5 release checksums

  • A83D627935EC196B85363D3BBA9786FE
  • FileCloudSetup.exe CEE2FDD071A706BEDEA4CEFCA4240C6F

The January 2022 release of FileCloud (version 21.3) is now available.

Server Patch fixes this issue.

Sync Patch fixes these issues.

Sync and ServerSync Patch fixes these issues.

Drive Patch fixes these issues.

Drive Patch fixes these issues.

Server Patch fixes this issue.

Sync Patch fixes this issue.

Server Patch fixes this issue.

Server Patch fixes this issue.

Server Patch fixes this issue.

Minor Server Release and Minor Client Release fix these issues.

Server Patch fixes this issue.

Security Advisories

Upgrade to access new and enhanced features. Here are some highlights of the release:

  • Admin Dashboard - The Admin dashboard has been updated. Now Admins and Admin users are able to rearrange widgets on the dashboard as well as perform quick actions, 

  • Admin Portal Login Screen - The Admin portal login screen has a new design.
  • Compliance Center - Management for HIPAA compliance and GDPR compliance has been added to the Compliance Center.
  • FileCloud Online Enhancements - FileCloud Online has been updated to include a Get Started tour that walks new users through initial actions such as creating a folder and setting a background theme. FileCloud Online now also includes a mini Admin portal that Admin users can open from the user portal to perform Admin actions without switching screens. 
  • Google Apps Integration - Users can now edit FileCloud documents in Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides.

Updated Admin Dashboard

The Admin portal dashboard has several new features as well as a new look and feel. 
Quick action and alerts links appear at the top of the page. Widgets can be dragged and dropped to new locations on the screen or removed. Once removed, they can be added back at any time. 

Information shown on several of the widgets has been enhanced. The System Summary widget displays usage amounts in GB and number of users instead of percents. The File Type Distribution and User Distribution widgets now display file and user counts when you hover over the percents.

See Admin Portal Dashboard.

Updated Admin Login Screen

The Admin portal login screen has a new, updated look.

See Admin Portal Dashboard.

HIPAA and GDPR Added to Compliance Center

FileCloud's Compliance Center now measures your HIPAA and GDPR compliance as well as your ITAR compliance. The tool examines your DLP rules, metadata sets, encryption, and other settings to determine whether or not you meet specific regulations. If you do not meet a regulation, you can follow instructions to make your system compliant, or, in some cases, you can change settings directly from the Compliance Center.

The HIPAA tab in the Compliance Center

The GDPR tab

To help you locate events in the expanded Compliance Center, a filter has been added on the Overview tab for the Recent Events column. The filter enables you to view events for a specific compliance and to view only information or violation events.
Filtering to view only information events for ITAR compliance

See Compliance Center.

FileCloud Online Enhancements

Get Started Interactive Tour

When FileCloud Online users log in to the user portal for the first time, a Get Started with FileCloud dialog box appears in the lower right of the screen. After clicking Let's Go, the user can log in and click the options in the box for guidance through initial actions like uploading files and setting a theme. The box measures the user's progress and indicates what percent of the actions are complete.

Get started dialog box
Guided action - sharing an item

Mini Admin Portal

Now, FileCloud Online Admin users can see an Admin Portal option at the bottom of the navigation pane. The link opens a mini Admin portal that enables them to perform many Admin operations without leaving the user portal. For other Admin operations, the mini Admin portal links to the associated screen in the full Admin Portal.  

Admin users must have Mini Admin permission in the their Admin Role to be able to access the mini Admin portal.

Admin Portal option 

Mini Admin portal

Google Apps Integration

Users are now able to open Microsoft Doc, Excel, and Powerpoint files for web edit in Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides. 

Admins perform a one-time configuration in the Google Cloud Platform to enable use of Google Apps with FileCloud (see Web Editing with Google Apps) and then enable and configure Google Apps in the web edit settings of the FileCloud Admin Portal.

Once these settings are configured with the other web edit settings, users are given the option of editing docx, pptx, and xslx files in both Google apps and their other web edit application (such as Office Online).

Note: In FileCloud's mobile apps, files can be viewed but not edited in Google Apps.

UI Changes in FileCloud 21.3

User Portal

  • When a user locks a folder or file, it is now overlaid with a lock icon.

  • The Add Files and Folders drop-down list now includes an Upload Folder option.

  • Send Email workflow steps now give users the option of adding variables to the To email value.

  • When users change the name of a shared file or folder, they are now prompted to change the share name. This is recommended so that the share name identifies the shared item by its current name. By default, the Rename share name to match new file name option is disabled. Users must check the option and click OK to save it.

  • The setting for enabling high-contrast mode in the user portal that previously appeared in the user drop-down menu has been moved to the Settings screen on the General tab with other theme settings to make it easier to locate.

  • Results of some content searches on large areas of text may no longer be highlighted. This was necessary in order to fix an issue finding results when search terms contained multiple words, and will occur in client applications as well as the user portal. 

Admin Portal

  • In the Manage Admin Roles screen, when an Admin clicks Add new role, the Create Admin Role dialog box now initially displays only a Role Name field instead of the Role Name field with the Permissions, Users, and Groups tabs. Now, after the Admin enters a Role Name and clicks Create Role, the Permissions, Users, and Groups tabs appear.  This enables the Admin to separate the steps of creating the role and setting its details.

  • The Manage Groups screen now includes a button for importing an AD Group.

  • The first time Admin users log in to the Admin portal, they are shown Terms of Service and required to accept them.

  • The Settings > Email tab now includes Use from name and email and Use Reply to name and email checkboxes. These checkboxes enable users to use the Email From Address and Email From Name and the Email Reply To Address and Email Reply To Name for all user share emails instead of just for those emails that are missing those fields. 

Client Apps

  • The Desktop Edit dashboard now displays a Lock/Unlock option (and auto-unlock is not supported).

  • In the previous build, the Sync icon in the desktop tray displayed a green dot overlay if Sync was successful; now it displays the icon without an overlay.

  • The Live tab in the Drive mini-dashboard now displays pending items and displays cancel buttons for cancelling pending and in-progress downloads.

  • MacDrive now includes a setting for enabling and disabling thumbnail previews.

Information for Admins

  • If a FileCloud session is logged out when a user logs in to Office 365 for WOPI edit, FileCloud recommends setting cookie same-site value to Lax. See Improving Cookie Security.

  • If MacDrive hangs when uploading a large file
    If FileCloud Drive hangs when uploading a large (3-5 GB) file on Mac intel or M1 on Big Sur 11.6, give Drive full disk access and re-upload the file.
    To give Drive full disk access:
    1. Go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy, and click the Privacy tab.
    2. Click Full Disk Access.
    3. Check clouddrive.

  • When you upgrade FileCloud installations that integrate with MS Teams, it is necessary to manually add some domains to three of the directives in the .htaccess file. Otherwise, the login to FileCloud from MS Teams will not work correctly.
    For instructions on making the edits, see For FileCloud Admins: Enabling Integration with MS Teams.

  • Password protected PDF previews are not showing watermarks. This is an issue with the third-party application used for previewing PDFs, and will be resolved when an update of the application becomes available.

  • In Policy Settings > Notifications, the setting Disable Notifications disables all user notifications and cannot be overridden. Therefore the setting Disable User Override only applies if Disable Notifications is not checked and applies to overriding individual types of notification settings. This has been clarified by a note under the setting in the Notifications tab.

  • To update the Apache SSL configuration FileCloud, a new version of httpd-ssl.conf has replaced the prior version. However, the prior version has been saved as httpd-ssl.conf_ for users who have customized the file and want a reference for merging their customizations into the new version.

    Users who have not upgraded the FileCloud Sync or FileCloud Drive applications prior to Version 20.3 should do one of the following:


    • Open  the SSL configuration file:
         Windows location: C:\xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-ssl.conf
         Linux location: /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ssl.conf

      Locate the line:
         SSLProtocol -TLS 1.2 -TLS1.3

      Change it to:
         SSLProtocol all -SSLv3 -TLSv1 -TLSv1.1 -TLS 1.2 -TLS1.3

  • Locking and unlocking of files in Desktop Edit now works as follows:

    • Files that are opened in the user portal using Desktop Edit are automatically locked unless Lock files when opened is disabled in the Desktop Edit client settings.

    • The Desktop Edit client now includes manual lock and unlock options for files and folders to enable users to unlock files whose locks have not been released when the computer was shut down.
    • A locked file remains locked until
      it is closed and changes are uploaded to FileCloud, in which case, it is automatically unlocked within 20 minutes,

      it is manually unlocked.


Reference Number

AreaFeature Notes

CL-8806ADIt is now possible to import an AD Group from the Manage Groups screen in the Admin portal.
CL-10707ApacheApache has been upgraded to version 2.4.52.
CL-10707Apache Log4jApache Log4j has been updated to version 2.17.1.
CL-10586Apache SolrApache Solr has been updated to version 8.11.1.
CL-10142Automated workflowIn automated workflows, there is now a variable for the To field of the Send Email step. This enables sending the email to the file owner or the workflow creator.
CL-9259ADA setting is now available for configuring the system to import the "other mobile" AD field instead of the "mobile" AD field as the 2FA phone number.
CL-10026Admin rolesThe user interface for adding Admin roles has been improved for clarification.
CL-10164ApacheThe Apache SSL configuration has been updated in accordance with security recommendations.
CL-7069Automated workflowAn option to move a folder and its entire sub-folder structure as well as its file contents has been added.
CL-9217Backup serverAdmins can now sort and search for users in the backup server restore section.
CL-9789Backup serverEmail notifications are now sent from the backup server when a job fails.
CL-9396DLPA "Path starts with" rule has been added to smart DLP.
CL-9111DLPA new DLP rule, _request.isAdminLogin, allows users to block admin users from logging into the Admin portal.
CL-9119DLPA new DLP rule, _metadata.existAll, allows sharing of a folder only if all of its files include certain metadata.
CL-9650EmailCheckboxes have been added to Email settings that enable Admins to specify if override From and Reply To addresses should be used for emails sent from FileCloud.
CL-9640EmailA new ^EXPIRY_DATE^ variable can be now used in the Share Email Template.
CL-9265Export filesUser and group export files now include the effective policy number. In addition, a list of users in a policy can now be exported.
CL-10209ICAPA group information ICAP header has been added so that users' group permissions can be applied.
CL-9188LanguageOptions for setting the default languages in the Admin portal and user portal to traditional Chinese have been added. In addition, an option for changing the user portal language to traditional Chinese has been added on log in. 
CL-5182LibreOfficeLibreOffice has been updated from version 6.0.21 to version 6.3.
CL-9300LogosAdmins can now enter logos larger than 200 x 50 px, and they can be resized to support better resolution.
CL-9948MetadataMetadata values are now associated with file versions.
CL-9121MetadataMetadata can now be applied to multiple files simultaneously.
CL-10455Phone numberNow a setting in the Admin portal enables limited users to change their phone numbers.
CL-9537Phone numberWhen users add their phone number for 2FA, country code is now added automatically.
CL-9905RenameWhen a user renames a file/folder that is shared, a notification warns the user that a share exists and gives the user the option of changing the share name to reflect the new file/folder name.
CL-8653ReportsA new report, "Get all exported secure docs report" has been added.
CL-9371ReportsA new report, "Get storage usage by file type" has been added.
CL-9919ReportsThe file share report now includes the password for password-enabled shares.
CL-6539SharesA list of share recipients can now be exported from and imported into shares.
CL-9659SharesManage permission on shares no longer requires Sync permission to be given first.
CL-9370UploadChanges to the user portal for file/folder uploads include an upload folder option and clearer wording in the upload file and folder drop-down list and more accurate icons for stopping and pausing uploads in progress in the file operations window. 
CL-10107User interfaceThe html for the Admin portal and user portal home pages now include placeholders for adding custom header and footer content.
CL-10181User menuThe user menu in the user portal has been given a more streamlined design.

FileCloud now requires Admin users to accept terms of service (TOS) when they log in to the Admin portal if enabled in the Privacy settings for TOS.

CL-10148WorkflowThe "then" action "Delete the file(s)" now includes an option to include a list of email addresses to send a list of the files deleted.
CL-8978WorkflowThe "then" action "Delete the file(s)" now includes an option to notify the file owner.
CL-9923WorkflowThe "If a file was not modified for # days" workflow includes a new parameter, an exclude_recyclebin flag, which enables the workflow to delete files from the recycle bin.

CL-10350Cancel downloadPending and in process downloads can now be cancelled in the Drive dashboard.
CL-10275InstallationDrive now installs in the Program Files instead of Program Files(x86) folder.
CL-10230LockThe Setting "Lock Office files automatically on edit" has been changed to "Lock files automatically on edit" and enables users to lock many other types of files.
CL-10129NetworkIf Drive loses its network connection, it now warns the user, reconnects when and if possible, and removes the warning once reconnected.
CL-10186NotificationsThe Settings option to "Mute all notifications" has been changed to enable users to choose to allow all notifications, mute all notifications, mute only floating notifications, or mute only system notifications.
CL-10237StatusThe Drive icon in the taskbar now shows red and orange dots for errors and warnings.
CL-10088Status notificationThe Drive dashboard now indicates how many operations are pending as well as how many are in progress.
CL-10362TimeoutIf Drive stops working due to session timeout, the mini-dashboard now displays the message "The current session is timed out by the server."

CL-8823NotificationsFile notifications now include file lock information.
CL-10055PreviewThumbnail preview is now configurable in MacDrive. By default, it is turned off.
Drive and Sync

CL-9545NotificationsA pop-up notification now appears to tell users they must change their password to log in to the client.


CL-9874Disabled SyncIf Sync is disabled for a user, the main Sync dashboard now shows Sync as disabled and includes a tooltip noting that Sync has been disabled by the Admin.
CL-7713lnk filesA configuration has been added to prevent lnk files in network folders from being deleted locally after they are synced.
CL-10061InstallationSync is now a 64-bit application and installs in the Program Files instead of Program Files(x86) folder.
CL-9909MessagesError messages for failed downloads in the mini dashboard now show the reason why a download was prevented.
CL-10293MessagesWhen users hover over a failed message in the mini dashboard, the hint now displays the path of the failed file.
CL-10120StatusSync now displays no overlay on the desktop tray icon when sync is successful instead of a green dot.

If an upload failed due to a connection failure with the server, some users experienced significant delays because Sync stopped. Now, Sync continues to attempt to upload the rest of the files. During this time, if the connection is restored, these uploads are successful, and Sync uploads the files that failed previously in the next sync cycle.

Sync and ServerSync

CL-9924SettingsTwo expert settings that enable admins to increase the log size and increase the number of logs have been added for Sync and ServerSync. 

Bug Fixes 

Reference NumberAreaDescription

CL-101772FAA problem causing 2FA login to fail has been fixed.
CL-102772FAA problem preventing an AD user logging in with email for 2FA has been fixed.
CL-10138ADAn issue causing all FileCloud users to be removed when they are synced with a non-existing AD group has been fixed.
CL-10199ADA problem preventing AD sync from saving settings has been fixed.
CL-10201ADA problem preventing scrolling up in the AD group sync list has been fixed.
CL-10099ADThe drop-down list of AD groups now includes pagination and displays 10 groups per page.
CL-10303ADUsers from different LDAP paths than the service account were unable to log in; this has been fixed.
CL-10607ADA problem preventing import of two AD users with the same username although the e-mail ID is different has been fixed.
CL-9600AD password resetWhen an AD user chooses to reset a forgotten password, the message returned has been corrected to "If your account allows password reset, you will get an email with password reset instructions."
CL-9375AuditThe audit log was not recording skipped downloads of files that exceeded the max zip file download size. This has been fixed.
CL-10077Audit, MongoDBAn auto-compact error that occurred in HA environments has been fixed.
CL-10220Automated workflowA problem preventing the dialog box for selecting a workflow trigger from appearing has been fixed.
CL-9863Automated workflowAn issue preventing execution of workflows triggered "Automatically on file activity" that occurred in Azure or S3 folders has been fixed. 
CL-10555Automated workflowAn issue causing an error when share approval workflow was required in a user's policy and a user attempted to create a share has been fixed.
CL-10575AzureAn issue causing a timeout when a user previewed or edited a text file in Azure network storage has been fixed.
CL-10397CookiesA problem in which cookies were not deleted after logout and could be used half an hour after the session was terminated has been fixed.
CL-10283CustomizationWhen the Web browser Title was customized, "FileCloud" continued to appear in the Admin portal's browser tab. This has been fixed.
CL-8693CustomizationThe Product Help URL can now be customized in the Customization section of the Admin portal.
CL-10341Deleted filesWhen My Files was disabled, users were able to restore deleted files. Now users cannot restore deleted files if My Files is disabled.
CL-10550Desktop editDesktop edit now provides an option to lock/unlock from its dashboard, and auto-unlock is not supported.
CL-10236Desktop editDesktop edit was disabled for files without default applications. Now it is enabled for all files.


Desktop editSince desktop edit is unable to detect if txt files are locked, users must unlock them manually.

An Admin login issue with the _user.isEmailInDomain DLP rule has been fixed.

CL-9384DRMExport Secure Doc and Manage Secure Doc options were shown when DRM was not available. This has been fixed.

An error causing the ^URL^ variable to render incorrectly has been fixed.

CL-10185Email addressWhen an account was automatically created for an AD user with a mixed-case email address, case was not automatically converted to lower case as required. This has been fixed.
CL-10106EncryptionOnline users with S3 encryption were receiving messages that storage was not fully encrypted. This has been fixed.
CL-8357ExportfsA problem causing empty folders to be created in the export directory after running the exportfs script has been fixed.
CL-10207FavoritesAn error causing all files in the Recent list to appear as starred has been fixed.
CL-10419FoldersA problem causing folders with a + in the folder name to appear empty has been fixed.
CL-9352, CL-9597Folder indexCreate CSV Folder Index was failing when there were a large number of files or folders; this has been fixed.
CL-9559FTDCSE Linux was blocking FTDC, so download of its zip file failed. Now the FTDC feature is disabled and will only be enabled when needed.
CL-9586InstallationInstallation of FileCloud on RHEL 8 with the DISA STIG security profile enabled was failing. This has been fixed.
CL-8706LocksAn error causing files edited in client applications to become unlocked even if the lock was explicitly placed in the user portal has been fixed. 
CL-10216LocksAn error causing the message "invalid mongo regex" in the Server log has been fixed.
CL-9947MetadataA problem causing metadata search results to incorrectly appear empty in the user portal has been fixed.
CL-9031MetadataIcons for color tags were not displayed in Recent and Starred file listings; this has been fixed.
CL-10003Multi-tenant, MQIn a multi-tenant environment, operations were occurring at the wrong sites. This has been fixed.
CL-10183Network foldersA problem accessing Network folders when running on Linux has been fixed.
CL-10279Network foldersNetwork folder names with spaces in them were encrypted. This has been fixed.
CL-9357Network foldersNow, when a user tries to access a Network share that has been renamed or removed, instead of a generic error message, a message indicating that the path is invalid appears and a log message is recorded.
CL-10080Network folders, NTFSUploading an NTFS Network folder in Linux resulted in errors. This has been fixed.
CL-10298Network folders, NTFSAn issue preventing users from enabling user-level notifications in NTFS Network folders has been fixed.
CL-10611Network folders, NTFSA problem accessing NTFS Network folders on Linux has been fixed.
CL-10245Network folders, Recycle binAn issue preventing access to the recycle bin from network folders has been fixed.
CL-9284NotificationsWhen users previewed files, email notifications were sent indicating that the files were downloaded. This has been fixed.
CL-10358NotificationsWhen all notifications were disabled in a policy, the user still appeared to have the option of disabling individual notifications in the user portal. This has been fixed.
CL-10255NTFSA problem preventing setting of custom notifications for NTFS network shares has been fixed.
CL-10034PreviewAI file preview was not working correctly; this has been fixed.
CL-10127RBACA problem causing users assigned to RBAC roles to maintain Admin status when removed from the roles has been fixed. In addition, when Full users with roles are changed to Limited users, their roles and Admin status are now removed.
CL-9633ReportsThe Users report exported from the Users page in the Admin portal now includes the mobile phone number.
CL-10123ReportsAn error causing the File Query report to return empty results has been fixed. In addition, year has been changed from 2-digit to 4-digit format in moddate and createdate.
CL-9765Reports"Get client apps grouped by TYPE" report was showing mobile apps' type as "other." This has been fixed.
CL-10228Reset passwordAn incorrect message was sent to existing users when password reset failed. The message has been changed to: Unable to Reset Password. Please contact your cloud administrator.
CL-10187RetentionAn issue causing the File List reports for retention policies to display all expiry dates as indefinite and all policies as ineffective has been fixed.
CL-9663RuleSetToolAn error when running the RuleSetTool in Linux has been fixed.
CL-10423S3An error occurred when FileCloud tried to list an S3 network folder. This has been fixed.
CL-8919SearchWhen search results were too numerous, search was returning no results. This has been fixed.
CL-10368SearchAn error preventing searching by filename has been fixed.
CL-9437SearchThe Advanced search was returning to the root path when a user began modifying the path. It now keeps the current path and enables users to modify that path.
CL-10046SecurityAn error enabling a limited user to be promoted as an Admin user has been fixed.
CL-10172Session logoutIf FileCloud session is logged out when user logs in to Office 365 for WOPI edit, FileCloud recommends setting cookie same-site value to lax. See Improving Cookie Security.
CL-10484Shared with meAlthough multiple file download from a Shared with Me top-level folder was not permitted, a download button was shown. The download button no longer appears.
CL-9239SharesAn error causing the User share export file to show password-protected shares as public has been fixed.
CL-9991SharesA problem causing the user password to be used as a share password has been fixed.
CL-9859SharesWhen a share link was pasted into WhatsApp or Teams, FileCloud appeared as the label when the label was set to a custom value; this has been fixed.
CL-10053SharesAn issue preventing the scroll function from working correctly in public folder shares has been fixed.
CL-9183SharesThe Disallow Share Name Change setting did not allow Admins to change share names. Now it only prevents non-Admin users from changing share names.
CL-9215SharesAn issue causing the Max Download Limit for shares to be triggered before the limit was reached has been fixed.
CL-10363SharesAfter one share was deleted the list of shares appeared empty. This has been fixed.
CL-9738SharesWhen an account was automatically created using the email for a user added to a share, and the email included a + sign, account creation failed. This has been fixed.
CL-9393SharesFor shares where download is not permitted, right-click menus are disabled and printing shows a blank page to restrict users from downloading and printing.
CL-10642SIEMThere was a duplicate issue for the setallowpublicaccess operation, and the setuseraccessforshare entry was missing. These issues have been fixed.
CL-9727SolrA problem causing the count of indexed items to be higher than the actual number of items has been fixed.
CL-10542SolrA problem with content searches for terms with multiple words has been fixed.
CL-10604SolrSolr search online was resulting in an error. This has been fixed.
CL-10515SSOAn error occurring on ADFS SSO signout has been fixed.
CL-10022Thumbnail previewAn issue causing thumbnail preview to fail on the Info details tab in the user portal has been fixed.
CL-10014TranslationsAn issue causing a phrase to appear in English when the selected language was German has been fixed.
CL-9494TranslationsWhen French was selected as the language for the UI, some text appeared in English. This has been fixed.
CL-10134TranslationsWhen a user logged in with the wrong username or password, the warning message was wrong in the German translation. It has been fixed.
CL-9142UIThe tip text for Disallow Default Share Settings Change has been changed to "Do not allow users to change settings of existing shares and default settings of new shares. " for clarity.
CL-10247UIThe setting for high-contrast mode has been moved from the user drop-down menu to the Settings screen to make it easier to locate.
CL-9594UI themeThe selected default theme was not appearing until the user logged in. This has been fixed.
CL-10376Upload, deleteA problem causing upload and delete to fail for NTFS network folders has been fixed.
CL-10223UsernameIf the username is numeric, the activity tab showed the username as unknown. This has been fixed.
CL-10028UserA problem causing the user report to be empty when no filter was applied has been fixed.
CL-10372User updateWhen display names contained special characters, user updates failed. This has been fixed.
CL-9434VersioningWhen a file version was promoted, its create date was changed to the current date. This has been fixed.
CL-10211Web editA problem preventing web edit from working with recently accessed xlsx files has been fixed.

A problem causing the login prompt to appear even when WebDAV was disabled has been fixed.

CL-10547WebDAVWebDAV was allowing files and folders to be created with trailing spaces. This has been fixed.
CL-10016White labelAn issue causing the FileCloud title to appear in the browser for a few seconds before the custom title appeared has been fixed.
CL-9999WorkflowWorkflows using "verify file integrity and delete on mismatch" were deleting valid files; this has been fixed.
CL-10498WorkflowA problem preventing emails from being sent for the workflow "If last user login is older than....Then notify user...." has been fixed.
CL-10179WorkflowWorkflows that copied a folder to a new location did not copy the files within the folder to the new location. This has been fixed.
CL-10355WorkflowThe workflow "If a file is added or uploaded . . . Then notify user. . . " was not sending a notification and was resulting in an error; this has been fixed.
CL-10490WorkflowThe file was not deleted in the workflow "If file is downloaded . . . delete the file." This has been fixed.
CL-10004Zip extractionAn error occurring when trying to extract files from a downloaded zip file using 7zip has been fixed.
Drive and MacDrive

CL-10051ConflictA problem causing Drive to fail to detect a conflict has been fixed.
CL-9197CopyingAn error occurred when copying large files from Drive to local PC. This has been fixed.
CL-10267DownloadA problem causing files over the download limit to be downloaded has been fixed.
CL-10710DocIQA DocIQ problem causing the error message "File information not found on server" has been fixed. 
CL-10176FailureDrive failed on Windows after a new installation. This has been fixed.
CL-10333FailureA problem causing Drive to crash has been fixed.
CL-7809LockA user was able to open an Office file that was already opened without receiving a warning that the file was locked. The warning was given when the user tried to save the file. This has been fixed.
CL-10217LockAn issue causing autolocking to fail when Office files were opened has been fixed.
CL-10514MetadataA problem which allowed Document Lifecycle Metadata to be edited in Drive has been fixed.
CL-10204Recovered filesIf upload of a file fails and the file is placed in a recovered files folder, the Drive Dashboard now informs users and includes a link for opening the recovered files folder.
CL-10137RenameIf files were renamed by one user while another user had the file locked, the rename appeared to work. Now an error message appears.

CL-10007DownloadAn issue causing FileCloud to hang when uploading a large file (3-5GB) on M1 running on Big Sur 11.6 can be fixed by giving Full Disk Access to Drive.
See If MacDrive Hangs When Uploading a Large File above for instructions.
CL-10191Mount pointFinder was allowing selecting a file as a mountpoint rather than a folder; this has been fixed.
CL-10229PDFA problem causing MacDrive to hang when a user opened a PDF file has been fixed.
CL-10085Thumbnail previewA problem causing all files in a folder to be downloaded when one file was previewed in the Finder has been fixed. Now only the previewed file is downloaded.
CL-10038UploadFiles with names beginning or ending with a space can no longer be uploaded.

CL10098DashboardA problem causing the Sync dashboard to appear blank after Sync runs for 24 hours has been fixed.
CL-9936DeletingWhen deletion fails because a file may have already been deleted locally, the log now explains this to users.
CL-10083Folder PathWhen the Sync folder path was changed, the selected path was not shown correctly. This has been fixed.
CL-10510Network foldersA problem causing Network Folders added to Sync to later be removed from Sync has been fixed.
CL-10215RunningA problem causing the Sync icon not to appear in the system tray and allowing Sync to run multiple instances has been fixed.
CL-10598SSOUsers were unable to log in to Sync using SSO. This has been fixed.
CL-01062UIA problem causing the Sync is On/Off button to shift right and become inaccessible has been fixed.
CL-10268UploadA problem causing Sync to fail to upload php files when the upload restriction was removed has been fixed. In addition, a problem causing Sync to block upload of filenames such as streamline sync.ico, test sync.ico has been fixed.
Drive and Sync

CL-5937DocIQFrench translation is now supported for DocIQ
CL-10175Mac, Right-click optionsA problem preventing right-click options and overlays from appearing on the Mac has been fixed.


A problem causing ServerLink to fail has been fixed.

CL-9984Folder renameServerLinks failed when a folder rename operation resulted in an error. This has been fixed.
CL-10078StatusWhen ServerLink failed and was restarted, file count and user count was not always accurate. This has been fixed.

CL-9399NTFSServerSync now informs users that by importing NTFS permissions they are overriding FileCloud permissions, and requires them to confirm the import.

CL-6078EmailAn error that was preventing Outlook from giving smart suggestions for share email addresses has been fixed.
CL-9724UploadDragging and dropping a file to upload it was not working. This has been fixed.
CL-9249Variable$(USER) was not being treated as a variable in the setting for Account. This has been fixed.

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