Archive for the ‘Artificial intelligence’ Category

Will Machine Learning Replace Data Scientists?

People have begun to get jumpy at the possibility of Artificial Intelligence being used to automate anything and everything. Now that AI has proven it has the propensity to push out blue-collar jobs (via robotics) and white collar professions (via…

Imagining a Blockchain + AI Hybrid

This past year has seen the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain, across a varied range of solutions and application within several industries. What is yet to be explored is a fusion of the two. This merger can allow…

Predictions for Enterprise AI: 2018 and Beyond

The last couple of years has seen Artificial Intelligence (AI) become a house hold topic with many being curious about how far the technology can go. Consumer products like Amazon Alexa and Google Home have long used machine learning as…

A.I Meets B.I : The New Age of Business Analytics

The dawn of the digital age was marked by the monumental shift in the way information is processed and analyzed. The widespread use of the internet further resulted in the increased production of data in the form of text sharing,…

Best Practices to Get The Most Out of Machine Learning

There is currently a lot of excitement surrounding artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and natural language processing (NLP). Despite the fact that these technologies have existed for decades, new algorithmic developments coupled with advancements in compute power have made…

The Role of A.I In Regulatory Compliance

In a data-driven world, organizations possess vast amounts of data, since data is produced at an accelerated speed; as files are created, saved and shared, leading to the creation of terabytes or even petabytes of data. The challenge becomes apparent…

The Limitations of Machine Learning in an Enterprise Setting

Astounding technological breakthroughs in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its sub-field Machine Learning (ML) have been made in the last couple of years. Machines can now be trained to behave like humans enabling them to mimic complex cognitive…

Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) Enrich Content Collaboration? Or Is It Just a Lipstick?

Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) the new lipstick? Sure, it is being put on many pigs. Can artificial intelligence improve Enterprise File Sharing and Sync (EFSS), Enterprise Content Management (ECM) and Collaboration?  We want to explore if we could find some…

The Intelligent Cloud : Artificial intelligence (AI) Meets Cloud Computing

If you thought that mobile communications and the Internet have drastically changed the world, just wait. Coming years will prove to be even more disruptive and mind-blowing.  Over the last few years, cloud computing has been lauded as the next…