FileCloud Admin Controls

Fine-Tuned Features and Settings
Through an Intuitive Portal

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Centralized Dashboard

The dashboard provides admins with one space to manage user features, devices, files and file shares, governance settings, and endpoint security policies.

Up-to-Date Information

Admins can monitor pending updates and disk usage, confirm license information, and track user and file activity, usage trends and peaks, storage quotas, and access by geo IP.

Analytics & Reports

Built-in analytics provide admins with statistics and charts on users, groups, managed files, network folders, shares, connected devices, and audit records.

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FileCloud has received the Gartner Peer Insights Customers’ Choice Distinction for the fifth consecutive time!

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Dynamic Administrative Control

Administrative Control
FileCloud incorporates a variety of tools and policies to secure data while ensuring ease of access to admins and users. Admins can influence how users share information with other users and groups, restrict file permissions, and set up user-admins, among other capabilities. These controls protect data from loss, misuse, corruption, or malfeasance. Read on for more information on FileCloud’s admin capabilities.


User and Device Management

FileCloud provides a detailed inventory of connected devices (computers, smartphones, and tablets) for every user. In case of an emergency, FileCloud admins can block users, remotely wipe data from devices, or send messages and notifications to connected devices. They can also copy or move files from one user to another and revoke share permissions at any time.
FileCloud admin manage users
For organizations with many members or departments, users can be designated as user-admins. This ensures that admins can maintain fine-tuned control over the FileCloud environment, but team leads and managers can add users and implement certain policies that make sense for their groups.

By controlling and protecting the data stored on endpoint devices, as well as extending certain admin privileges to users, FileCloud can reduce support costs and business risks while maximizing productivity and efficiency.

Customization and Branding

FileCloud Branding Preview

The FileCloud login page can be customized to reflect your organization’s brand using a background image and company logo. Of additional note, you can run FileCloud on your business domain. Share links originating from your domain assure users that files are from a trusted source and reduce spoofing and ransomware attacks.

Even the language within notifications, terms of service, and automatic emails can be adjusted to match your company’s branding and tone. A custom newsfeed can broadcast important announcements to users.


With data interception and leaks on the rise, FileCloud uses the most secure technologies to satisfy any demanding usage situation. SSL/TLS protocols secure files in transit. In addition, FileCloud uses 256-bit AES encryption for data at rest, one of the strictest encryption standards in the world. AES encryption is approved by the National Institute of Standards and Technology for federal use. Decryption is automatic for FileCloud users, ensuring there is no interruption in service or access once admins enable encryption.

Single and Multitenancy

FileCloud Multi-Tenancy
Multitenancy support with FileCloud reduces the overhead of maintaining multiple instances for data and access abstraction. A default super administrator maintains control over multiple sites through the “Manage Site” dashboard.

Super admins can set site-specific admins that only have access to their assigned site. This administrative hierarchy makes it easy to manage multiple sites and maintain Service Level Agreements (SLAs).

Every site can be configured with a custom user limit, storage quota, encryption key, and expiration. Adding and removing a site is web-enabled, and it takes just a few clicks.

Search and Audit Tools

Admin Audit
FileCloud’s audit reports help system administrators, compliance officers, and CTOs understand platform usage and monitor user behavior. Reports and filtering tools can be easily accessed through the centralized admin dashboard. These reports can also be exported as CSV files for ease of internal and external review. Pre-configured or customized reports can be run manually or set to run on a regular basis. Reports can also be paused or deleted at any time. Some report examples include:

  • User Shares report: collects username, location, expiration, and share type (private or public)
  • User Locks report: lists files locked by the user
  • Device Summary report: lists usernames, devices and device details, last login, and pending actions.

FileCloud monitors all user logins and activities including deletion, uploads, and downloads. In addition, FileCloud provides tools to filter activities using a date range, usernames, and federated text search through SOLR integration.

Flexible Admin Dashboard

The dashboard offers useful features like centralized controls, user, file type, and device charts, detailed audit logs, and much more. Admins can manage user and group permissions and set governance restrictions.

Two-Factor Authentication

Admins can enable and require two-factor authentication for user logins, regardless of the authentication type (AD or LDAP, etc.) FileCloud supports various delivery modes for 2FA code, including user’s registered email, Google Authenticator, DUO Security, and SMS OTP Security Code

Granular File & Folder Permissions

Admins can set share options for users, including limiting shares on specific files or folders. Shares can be further protected with expiration dates, download limits, or password requirements.


FileCloud offers built-in AES 256-bit encryption for data at rest and SSL/TLS protocols for data in transit. FileCloud is also certified in FIPS 140-2 encryption and can be run on an AWS GovCloud server for additional security.

Remote Wipe

Remote Device Management ensures that admins can monitor connected devices and user activity. In the event of a lost device or suspicious activity, the admin can block the user and/or remotely wipe the device.

Retention Scheduling

Admins can apply retention policies to files and folders, which implements certain restrictions on deletion or alterations within a designated time frame. FileCloud’s hierarchical policies provide more or less stringent restrictions (e.g., Admin Hold, Legal Hold, Archival, Retention, Trash Retention).

Compliance Center

FileCloud’s Compliance Center offers admins a powerful, centralized tool to support users in meeting compliance requirements. GDPR, HIPAA, and ITAR tabs connect FileCloud security and policy settings with requirements. The overview tab provides at-a-glance information for admins and compliance officers.

Automated Workflows

With Automated Workflows, FileCloud provides support for streamlining and optimizing repetitive administrative tasks. Responsibilities from annual requisitions and budget approvals to calendar signoffs and document reviews can all be automated in FileCloud’s system.


SSO Options

When the same group of users needs access to several applications, creating custom authentication for each application can severely impact user experience and efficiency. It also makes it nearly impossible for system administrators to maintain varied authentication lists.

FileCloud can easily integrate with existing authentication systems within an enterprise. Integrations can be set up through SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language), ADFS (Active Directory Federated Services), or Microsoft NT LAN Manager (NTLM).

"FileCloud gave us terrific support and even discussed future code changes while we were only using the trial license”

Policy Enforcement

FileCloud provides a rich suite of tools to establish, enforce and track user access policies:
• Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
• User-based invitation when creating file shares
• Password strength requirements
• Limit login attempts
• Set account lockout and automatic logout periods
• Require passcode lock for mobile clients
• Disable mobile clients from connecting

“India’s First Paperless Cabinet Meeting made possible by FileCloud”


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FileCloud Technologies Limited
Hamilton House 2,
Limerick, Ireland

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