Installing software works differently on Linux. Instead of visiting a website, you will need to get it from repositories with its package manager. This sounds complicated but is actually simpler. FileCloud made it much more simple to install/upgrade it on your Linux system. All you have to do is run a script and the […]
Installing software works differently on Linux. Instead of visiting a website, you will need to get it from repositories with its package manager. This sounds complicated but is actually simpler. FileCloud made it much more simple to install/upgrade it on your Linux system. All you have to do is run a script and the script will automatically fetch the OS disregard of Debian or rpm version and will install/upgrade the FileCloud instance.
This Installation will include
1. Supports from Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, RHEL 7 and CentOS 7, Debian 8(Jessie)
2. EOF in Ubuntu Trusty 14.04 and Below
3. Comes with GUI
4. Automatic Installation of SOLR, PREVIEW, CRONJOB(Only GUI Configuration is Required)
5. Includes LibreOffice version
8. The script logs the output to /var/log
9. Installs PHP7.1 and IONCUBE v10.2
10. Introduction of FileCloud CLI
1. Single Script upgrader
2. Logging Enabled
3. Database backup and Webroot Backup
4. Comes with GUI Upgrader
5. Automatically installs FileCloud CLI if not present
6. Upgrades LibreOffice to
Note: If your FileCloud Instance is running on Ubuntu 14.04 or Older versions you will need to do the following steps to upgrade it to v18.1
* Install a new FileCloud v18.1 Instance on Ubuntu 16.04
* Migrate the Database and the Manage Storage path to the freshly installed FileCloud Instance.
Starting from v18.1, FileCloud is introducing a new CLI tool for Linux Distros: filecloudcp
filecloudcp will help you to find the current version running on the server, check for updates, and you can upgrade your FileCloud instance from command line itself
filecloudcp will have the below usage:
# filecloudcp
usage: filecloudcp
-v | --version : Show the current version of FileCloud installed
-c | --checkforupgrade : Checks for FileCloud Upgrades
-u | --runupgrade : Upgrades FileCloud Version
-p | --resetpassword : Performs FileCloud Admin Password
-h | --help : This message
For more details on the installation and upgrade process visit FileCloud