Top Content Management Software List: G2 Names FileCloud

February 14, 2023

FileCloud is delighted to be placed on the G2 list of the global top 50 “Best Content Management Products for 2023”, based on verified customer reviews on the G2 website.

Recently, we at FileCloud were delighted to win badges in the Enterprise Content Management and Cloud Content Collaboration categories of the G2 Winter 2022  Grid® Reports. Recognition from G2 is particularly welcome due to the proven and trustworthy methodology used by the peer-to-peer review website in authenticating its customer reviews.

Now we're further honored to be named in the G2 list of the top 50 Best Content Management Products for 2023. Like their quarterly badge lists, this distinction is based purely on validated reviews from customers, who recount their honest experiences of FileCloud on the reputable and authoritative G2 website. However, unlike the quarterly badges, the Best Content Management Products list is based on customer feedback for all of 2022.

G2 Definition of Content Management Products

As defined by G2, content management software products are used for content management, creation, storage, tracking, and publishing. They assist in various ways in the refinement of organizations’ content management life cycles.

The "Best Content Management Products" list represents the substantiated reviews submitted throughout 2022. It reflects the real-world experiences of bona fide users of the product. Given the comprehensive vetting of reviewers done by G2, and multiple levels of identity verification, this vote of confidence from those who use FileCloud in their daily work is significant. It further consolidates FileCloud's market position as an ever-growing, enterprise-grade Content Collaboration Platform (CCP).

This latest honor from G2 is reflective of the fact that at FileCloud, we believe that listening to our customers' content collaboration needs and addressing their real-world pain points is vital. Based on their feedback, we are constantly adding features to our CCP to provide our customers with the best user experience and protection against security threats. Two of our most recently integrated features are completely unique to FileCloud. You cannot find them as an integrated part of any other CCP currently available on the market. These are our Zero Trust File SharingSM and Resumable Uploads offerings.

 Hyper-Security with Zero Trust File SharingSM

Zero Trust File SharingSM is an innovation currently unique to FileCloud, and allows you to protect highly confidential data, even in the event of a cyber-attack. It represents a form of data encryption that is easy to use, yet completely controlled by the user. This feature is ideal for those requiring highly granular security precautions in their content management software.

This form of file sharing consists of a password-protected Zip file that acts as a container for your secure file-sharing activity. The Zip file provides a way to encrypt your highly sensitive, business-critical data, so that even your FileCloud administrator is unable to view it.

With this feature, you have the option to create a strong password, and FileCloud derives a cryptographic key from this. The FileCloud database does not retain the password and key. This means that even FileCloud administrators cannot access the contents of the Zip file. Instead, the user who creates the file can choose to share the password only with trusted parties. Additionally, if malicious actors gain access to the user’s account, they will be unable to open the encrypted Zip container.

Resumable Uploads for Large Files

Another innovation recently added to our CCP, similarly unique to FileCloud, is Resumable Uploads. Specifically, this feature is ideal for businesses with geographically distributed workforces that regularly handle large files. It’s reassuring also to enterprises using content management software in unstable or inhospitable conditions. If you lose connectivity during a large upload, FileCloud preserves the data already uploaded. It is possible only to lose 20MB of data, as the uploads occur in incremental chunks of this size.

On restoration of connectivity, your upload will continue as normal, without the need to begin your upload operation from scratch. This means that with sufficient storage, you can upload many terabytes of data. Furthermore, you can avoid concerns about the possibility of a lost connection or outage while your upload is in progress.

Customer Perspectives on FileCloud

At FileCloud, we have a strong commitment to listening carefully to our customers’ requirements. We respond by constantly integrating new, original content management features and enhancements to our product. In fact, our customers' reviews on the G2 website certainly reflect this ongoing continuous improvement philosophy at FileCloud. Here is a sample of some of the sentiments that these authenticated reviewers have expressed about our content management software product and support:

FileCloud is one of the best enterprise file sharing solutions, which provides features like file storage, security, and good API access. The authorization also supports MFA and SSO, which helps in marking extra layers of security on infrastructure. Another good feature is its integration with Microsoft and Salesforce-based apps. - Developer.

The whole experience from first contact to setup was seamless. - Director of Information Technology

FileCloud is a straightforward and customizable solution to share files with students and set up folders so they can submit their work.

Students can access or submit files without being required to log in, making the whole process fast and easy for them.

Organizing work submissions with FileCloud helped us to save time. - Verified user in Education Management

FileCloud allows us to implement both secure email solutions, as well as secure website file transfers. It does it with no real burden on the customers because they don't have to deal with any encryption settings themselves. It is approved by our regulators for both of these purposes, and that makes our examinations much less difficult. It has also significantly reduced issues with receiving sensitive documents from customers. - CIO

Try FileCloud's Content Management Software for Free

While customer testimonials are hugely reliable, at FileCloud, we believe enterprises should decide for themselves if FileCloud meets their content management requirements. To find out if FileCloud is suitable for your needs, schedule a free demo.

You can also start a free trial of FileCloud (with all features included) at any time. Sign up for a 15-day trial for FileCloud Online. Alternatively, if you want to try FileCloud on your own infrastructure, you can try a 30-day trial of FileCloud Server.



Written by Deirdre Clancy, Technical Content and Communication Manager

By Deirdre Clancy

Technical Content and Communication Manager