FileCloud’s Resumable Uploads for Large File Collaboration
Losing connection during a large file upload usually means you have to start all over again. This is frustrating and often a huge waste of time for enterprises or media conglomerates that work regularly with CAD, media, and other types of large files.
At FileCloud, we’re always working on ways to make your content collaboration simple and easy. To that end, we’ve recently launched Resumable Uploads with FileCloud 22.1.
With Resumable Uploads, the FileCloud browser saves upload progress. If connectivity is interrupted, the upload is paused. Once the connection is restored, the upload can continue close to where it left off, saving users time and frustration.
Global work sites, remote work, and large files all require network connection, as well as solutions for those moments when the connection goes out. With FileCloud’s Resumable Uploads, you won’t have to worry about weak connections or wasted time anymore.
To learn more, visit our Resumable Uploads page!