FileCloud continues to deliver on its promise to be the easiest self-hosted file share & sync solution for users and the simplest for sys admins to manage. FileCloud 8.0 introduces a new ‘Automation App’ that would enable command line execution of some basic FileCloud actions. This app is a great tool to automate some repetitive […]
FileCloud continues to deliver on its promise to be the easiest self-hosted file share & sync solution for users and the simplest for sys admins to manage. FileCloud 8.0 introduces a new 'Automation App' that would enable command line execution of some basic FileCloud actions. This app is a great tool to automate some repetitive work and enable business process automation. FileCloud registered users get the 'Automation App' for free.
Working closely with customers, we realized that one of the pain points of sys admins is the lack of tools among enterprise file sharing solutions to automate tasks. In this first version of the app, we have tried to provide some support to basic set of actions. Following set of actions can be run from command line using the app
Syntax to use the app is very simple, for example:
cloudapi --user john --password mypassword --host --operation UPLOAD --remotepath /john/myfolder --localpath c:/users/john/desktop/doc1.docx
Detailed documentation of the syntax can be found Here.
The automation app becomes a powerful tool when it is used in a script for automating workflow and business processes. For example, if business process requires admin to create a new folder for team beginning of each week, sys admin can create a simple cron job and use FileCloud's automation app to create a folder in the remote server. This reduces work load on sys admins and automates the process, removing human intervention or error.
Installation of the the app is straight forward, just download the zip file and unzip it to any folder and run the "cloudapi" executable. 'Automation App' is a free FileCloud app that registered users can download from https://filecloud.com_migration (pl refer to screenshot below).
The FileCloud Automation tool (cloudapi) is currently only available on Windows platforms. If you need the tool for other operating systems, please contact customer support at